Mrs. Kramer - Fall Take the Learning Styles Survey at: html Write down your results or print them ($.25 at school). 2. Take the Multiple Intelligences Quiz (on paper) & chart your results. 3. According to the data, write a paragraph on your own paper that describes the kind of learner you are. Do you agree with the results? Why or why not?
4. Log in to the following & record your usernames & passwords: Wikispaces VoiceThread Username: wcp + student id # Password: student id #
Turnitin Click “Create Account” (top of page) & “Student” (bottom of page). Period 2 login: english Period 3 login: english Blackboard GH Website > Students > Blackboard Username: Student id# Password: Same as last year or have it reset in the Media Center
5. Eduglogster – “All About Me” Collage Teacher Code: 1HEDUU 6. Don’t forget to check out a book/bring a book for SSR on Fridays after the vocabulary quizzes.