Welcome Seahawks! Summer 2015 Orientation
Staff Dr. Lisa Keenan – Director, Onslow Extension Site & Military Liasion Karla Blanton – Admissions and Financial Aid Coordinator Susan Sullivan – Office Manager Kelly Moore – Military Enrollment Services Coordinator Mary Anne Tayloe – Administrative Associate Henry Wyschka – Testing and Technology Technician
Onslow Academic Advisors Brenna Johnson– Watson College of Education Heather Lang – School of Social Work Dr. Jessica Strong – School of Social Work Dr. Kenneth Mentor – Department of Sociology and Criminology Crystal Hollenbaugh– Cameron School of Business
See Your Academic Advisor For course planning in your major Questions about academic policies Career advice Graduate school plans Internship possibilities
Student Folder Doe, John In-State 850555555 BUS 9999 Degree Audit Residency Status Student Name Doe, John In-State 850555555 BUS 9999 Student ID # PIN # Program Degree Audit Orientation Survey Hot Links Card SeaNet/How to Register GI Bill Checklist Transient Study Instructions Bookstore Information Student Data Sheet Financing College
Graduation Requirements Complete University Studies Fulfill Major requirements 2.0 Grade Point Average (Transfer students start at UNCW with no GPA) Earn 124 Semester Hours See Degree Audit
Transient Study Transient Study is defined as taking courses at any other institution( i.e., a community college, university, college, or study abroad). Transient study is limited to active UNCW students. Consult your Academic Advisor about transferability of course credit into your degree program. Submit a request for Permission for Transient Study via mySeaport. Academics tab Transient Study link Register for transient study courses once approval has been granted. (Visiting students at Coastal CC see Step 3 on Transient Study handout) Pay for your transient study course(s) Submit final transcripts to the Office of the Registrar and the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.
Transfer Credit Limits UNCW can accept a maximum of 64 transfer credit hours from a regionally-accredited two year institution (I.e. Coastal CC). UNCW can accept a maximum of 93 transfer credit hours from a regionally-accredited four year institution. A minimum of 31 semester hours must be earned at UNCW of which at least 15 must be upper division courses, in your major.
Dropping and Adding Classes Summer I 2015: Classes begin Monday, May 18th. Summer II 2015: Classes begin Monday, June 22nd. You may drop or add a class on SeaNet. Talk to your advisor before making course changes. http://www.uncw.edu/reg/calendars-events.htm
Summer Withdrawal deadlines: Summer II – Thursday, July 9, 2015 Course Withdrawal Summer Withdrawal deadlines: Summer I - Friday, June 5, 2015 Summer II – Thursday, July 9, 2015 http://www.uncw.edu/reg/calendars-events.htm Withdraw from a course BEFORE the deadline = “W” Withdraw from a course AFTER the deadline = “WF” (which calculates as an “F” in GPA calculation) Withdraw from an individual class or classes through SeaNet. Students who intend to withdraw from all classes must submit a Complete Term Withdrawal request in mySeaport. For questions contact the Dean of Students’ Office. ALWAYS consult your advisor before you withdraw from a course.
Three different courses may be repeated to replace low grades. Course Repeat Policy Students who earn less than a C (2.0) in a course may retake that course at UNCW to replace the grade. Three different courses may be repeated to replace low grades. http://catalogue.uncw.edu/content.php?catoid=17&navoid=1108#Repeating_of_Courses
UNCW Online Classes BlackBoard is the learning management system for classes at UNCW Classes use BlackBoard for assignments, group discussions, quizzes, etc Classes can be accessed the 1st day of class. If you have a problem accessing BlackBoard, contact your instructor via email Below is the link for log-in instructions, content upload instructions, and tutorials: http://uncw.edu/itsd/learning/UNCWITSDBlackboardLearn.html
Classroom Assignments Visit www.uncw.edu/onslow Select Academics Next select Classroom Assignments Select the applicable semester
UNCW Bookstore UNCW Bookstore 910-962-3188 or bksuncwilmington@bncollege.com www.uncw.edu/ba/bookstore/ Bookstore Sales for Onslow Extension students www.uncw.edu/onslow/library.html Book Orders Online http://uncw.bkstore.com/ OR Click on the “Purchase my Textbooks” link when viewing your schedule on SeaNet.
Libraries (LRC) UNCW Randall Library Library Support for Extension Students http://library.uncw.edu/distance_learners Books mailed … free! Account set up required Contact: Melissa Raymer Distance Learning Librarian, raymerm@uncw.edu, 910-962-4234 CCCC Learning Resource Center http://coastalcarolina.libguides.com/library UNCW ID card required You will receive an email from Onslow@uncw.edu via UNCW email as soon as they are ready for pick up. Please disregard main campus emails. John Lejeune Education Center Research and Study Center http://www.mccslejeune.com/libraries/
Financial Aid File the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at www.fafsa.ed.gov Your award information and any updates or changes to financial aid award are available for your review and response through SeaNet. Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) in order to remain eligible for financial aid Three areas: GPA, Quantitative and Time **Most communication is done through e-mail to the student’s UNCW account http://uncw.edu/finaid/
Financial Aid & G.I. Bill UNCW is a U.S. Veteran Affairs approved educational institution. For information and to establish eligibility for the Post 9/11 and/or the Montgomery GI Bill please refer to the US Department of Veterans Affairs website at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/. Submit Certificate of Eligibility Complete a VA Class Schedule every semester VA Counselor – Alton Johnson johnson@uncw.edu
Campus Parking Coastal Carolina Community College Students must provide a UNCW ID and class schedule to obtain a permit from the Coastal Security Office located in the cafeteria. Students can receive a temporary permit until they receive their UNCW ID Parking is free Camp Lejeune For information on base access and parking: www.uncw.edu/onslow/about.html No permit is required for parking UNCW ID is required for a semester pass UNCW Main Campus Parking Special rate permit required http://uncw.edu/parking/ for further information
UNCW Health Services Main Campus Student Health Center DePaolo Hall http://uncw.edu/healthservices/ Immunization Records Required when taking 4 or more credit hours, per semester, at the Main Campus Health Insurance NOT Required for Extension students
Additional UNCW Services Disability Services ADA services available http://uncw.edu/disability/ Counseling Center Confidential and Free http://uncw.edu/counseling UNCW Writing Center Submit work via email http://uncw.edu/ulc/writing/center.html Career Services UNCW http://uncw.edu/career/ Coastal CC http://www.coastalcarolina.edu/career-center/
Student Organizations Student Social Work Organization http://uncw.edu/swk/resources-orgs.html Phi Alpha Honor Society National Social Work Honor Society Tau Sigma National Honor Society Transfer Student Honor Society http://appserv02.uncw.edu/studentorgs/organization.aspx?orgid=247 Student Veterans Organization (main campus) http://appserv02.uncw.edu/studentorgs/organization.aspx?orgid=239
Inclement Weather Policy If inclement weather occurs please refer to the following for updated information: UNCW Onslow Extension website http://uncw.edu/onslow/InclementWeather.html UNCW Onslow Extension Site Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/UNCW-Onslow-Extension-Site/223806597666557?ref_type=bookmark
Things To Know Your UNCW email address is very important. Faculty and Staff will only use this email to correspond with you **Please use proper etiquette when addressing your instructors and advisors Coastal Carolina Community College campus is Tobacco-Free Complete the Student Data Sheet and Orientation Evaluation before you leave today
UNCW Onslow Extension Site Questions? UNCW Onslow Extension Site Coastal CC office: 910.455.2310 Camp Lejeune office: 910.451.5266 www.uncw.edu/onslow