OTC PRODUCTS Dr. Basavaraj K. Nanjwade M. Pharm., Ph. D Department of Pharmaceutics Faculty of Pharmacy Omer Al-Mukhtar University Tobruk, Libya /06/171 Faculty of Pharmacy, Omer Al-Mukhtar University, Tobruk, Libya.
CONTENTS Introduction (antacid products) Antidiarrheal products Laxative products Cold and allergy products Constipation Acne vulgaris References 2014/06/172 Faculty of Pharmacy, Omer Al-Mukhtar University, Tobruk, Libya.
Introduction (antacid products) Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are those available without a prescription. These are also called as non- prescription drugs. OTC drugs enable people to relieve many bothersome symptoms and to cure some diseases simply and without the cost of seeing a doctor. In addition to the substances such as aspirin and acetaminophen that people typically think of as OTC drugs, many other commonly available products are considered OTC drugs. 2014/06/173 Faculty of Pharmacy, Omer Al-Mukhtar University, Tobruk, Libya.
Historical Background At one time, most drugs were available without a prescription. Before the FDA existed, just about anything could be put in a bottle and sold as a sure-fire cure. An amendment to the FD & C Act in 1951 attempted to clarify the difference between OTC and prescription drugs and to deal with issues of drug safety. As noted by an amendment to the FD & C Act of 1962, OTC drugs were required to be both effective and safe. 2014/06/174 Faculty of Pharmacy, Omer Al-Mukhtar University, Tobruk, Libya.
Antacid products Antacids neutralize stomach acid. Although antacids cannot completely neutralize stomach acid, they can raise the pH level in the stomach from 2 (very acidic) to between 3 and 4. This increase neutralizes almost 99% of stomach acid and significantly relieves symptoms for most people. Antacids provide relief more quickly than H 2 blockers, but H 2 blockers provide longer-lasting relief. Most antacid products contain one or more of four active ingredients: aluminum salts, magnesium salts, calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate. 2014/06/17 Faculty of Pharmacy, Omer Al-Mukhtar University, Tobruk, Libya. 5
Sodium Bicarbonate: One of the least expensive and most radily available antacids is sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, neutralizes acid quickly. Too much bicarbonate can disturb body’s acid-base balance and lead to metabolic alkalosis Calcium Carbonate: Calcium carbonate acts fast and neutralizes acids for a relatively long time. It is an inexpensive source of calcium. Amounts range from 500 to 1000 milligrams per tablet or dose. The maximum daily amount sholud not exceed 2000 milligrams. 2014/06/17 Faculty of Pharmacy, Omer Al-Mukhtar University, Tobruk, Libya. 6 Antacid products
Antidiarrheal products These include loperamide and bismuth subsalicylate. Loperamide works by slowing down the speed of fluids moving through your bowels. Bismuth subsalicylate works by balancing the way fluid moves through your bowels. It also binds toxins (poisons) from bacteria so that they are not harmful and helps kill germs. Because bismuth subsalicylate contains salicylate, it is not taken with pain relievers such as aspirin which too contains salicylate. 2014/06/177 Faculty of Pharmacy, Omer Al-Mukhtar University, Tobruk, Libya.
Laxative products Laxatives are used for occasional constipation when bowel movements are infrequent or difficult. 01Bulk-forming laxativesMethylcellulose 02LubricantsMineral oil 03Stool softenersDocusate sodium 04Saline laxatives Magnesium hydroxide (milk of magnesia) 05Stimulant laxativesBisacodyl 2014/06/178 Faculty of Pharmacy, Omer Al-Mukhtar University, Tobruk, Libya.
Bulk-forming laxative add bulk and water to your stools. Lubricant laxatives work by coating the surface of the stools. This helps the stools hold in water so they move out of the body more easily. Stool softeners help mix fluid into stools to soften them, makes stools easier to pass out of the body. Saline laxatives draw fluid into the bowel from nearby tissue. Laxative softens stools and helps the bowel move them out. Laxative products 2014/06/179 Faculty of Pharmacy, Omer Al-Mukhtar University, Tobruk, Libya.
Stimulant laxatives are the harshest laxatives. They cause the bowel to squeeze or contract to move the stools out. Laxatives are not supposed to take for longer than 1 week unless doctor advised. Long-term use or overuse of laxatives can cause health problems. They can be used on a daily basis to help ease symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and other bowel problems. Laxative products 2014/06/1710 Faculty of Pharmacy, Omer Al-Mukhtar University, Tobruk, Libya.
Cold products Occasionally a cold or cough may be a sign of a more serious disorder. Ideally, each cold symptom should be treated with a single drug. Cold remedies containing antihistamines should not be taken with alcohol, sleep aids, tranquilizers or other drugs that also cause drowsiness and decrease alertness. Such a combination may intensify the sedating effects of the drugs. 2014/06/1711 Faculty of Pharmacy, Omer Al-Mukhtar University, Tobruk, Libya.
Allergy products For allergies affecting the nose and respiratory tract (such as hay fever), OTC antihistamines that can be taken by mouth are available. For allergies affecting the skin, creams or lotions that contain an antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine can be applied to the skin. Lotions, creams and ointments that contain hydrocortisone, acorticosteroid are effective in relieving itching associated with allergies, minor skin irritations and inflammation. 2014/06/1712 Faculty of Pharmacy, Omer Al-Mukhtar University, Tobruk, Libya.
Constipation Scientific definitions rely mostly on stool number; most surveys have found the normal stool frequency on a western diet to be at least 3 times a week. Aluminum salts, which dissolve slowly in the stomach, start to work gradually but provide long- lasting relief. Constipation related to medications can be corrected by use of alternatives, where possible, or adjustment of drug dosage. In addition to treating constipation, laxatives frequently are employed. 2014/06/1713 Faculty of Pharmacy, Omer Al-Mukhtar University, Tobruk, Libya.
Acne vulgaris Acne vulgaris (commonly called acne) is common skin condition. It is caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units, skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland. The two ingredients found in most OTC products are benzoyl peroxide cream and salicylic acid. Benzoyl peroxide cream kills the acne causing bacteria and causes the skin to dry and flake off- which prevents the clogging of pores. Salicylic acid often comes in cotton pads that are soaked in the solution and used to exfoliate the skin. 2014/06/1714 Faculty of Pharmacy, Omer Al-Mukhtar University, Tobruk, Libya.
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