9/7/2015 NEW AGE MEDIA – SOCIAL MEDIA (R)EVOLUTION Ivana Kulpinac Crepulja
NEW AGE MEDIA – SOCIAL MEDIA (R)EVOLUTION -Globalization- -set of complex social processes that characterize the modern world -trend of taking important political, economic and cultural characteristics of western civilization -has an impact on the environment, culture, political systems, economic development and prosperity -changing human consciousness
Ivana Kulpinac Crepulja NEW AGE MEDIA – SOCIAL MEDIA (R)EVOLUTION -Information Society- -information is processed data as meaningful evidence or signs of natural or artificial language of some, not necessarily, the actual state of thoughts, which are pronounced or deny the existence, events, actions, links and relations between them -information becomes a resource, the first among equals, an extremely valuable and competitive economic entity -development of information systems - combinations of hardware, software, methods, techniques and people network aimed at collecting, processing and delegating information to users
Ivana Kulpinac Crepulja NEW AGE MEDIA – SOCIAL MEDIA (R)EVOLUTION -Internet- -phenomenon of globalization - process of information access 24/7/365 -media influence on all users of this global network -powerful weapon - it allows information to be integrated, regardless of location, time, and platform dependence -TCP / IP (TCP - Transmission Control Protocol IP - Internet Protocol), SOD (Service On Demand) B2C (business-to-user) and B2B (business-to- business) web concepts and technologies of communication, e -commerce, e-banking
Ivana Kulpinac Crepulja NEW AGE MEDIA – SOCIAL MEDIA (R)EVOLUTION -Google- -synonim for Search -the most powerfull information database -storage of knolege -you search – they know what are you looking for – they „give it to you“ by ads, suggestions -they know your IP adress
Ivana Kulpinac Crepulja NEW AGE MEDIA – SOCIAL MEDIA (R)EVOLUTION -Social network- -easier to contact with people who are away -easier to find old friends, family -easier to find job -easier to find love -easier to find anything you like But what is really going on!!!?
Ivana Kulpinac Crepulja NEW AGE MEDIA – SOCIAL MEDIA (R)EVOLUTION -Facebook- -Global social network service -Connecting people around the world -Inform you about things you like -Personalization -Groups -Adds -Global database -Everything about you -Is deleted realy deleted or just archived? -Advertisement -Like – dislike -Pesonal information
Ivana Kulpinac Crepulja NEW AGE MEDIA – SOCIAL MEDIA (R)EVOLUTION -Android platform- -New mobile platform accepted by almoust every mobile producer -NOKIA Simbian - Windows phone -APPLE -You can do everything but much more!!!
Ivana Kulpinac Crepulja NEW AGE MEDIA – SOCIAL MEDIA (R)EVOLUTION -Sky is the limit- -You are your limit! -Sky is the limit -How to use internet? -How to get the most positive things and avoid negative? -How to make money or buy cheeper? -How to use time, internet and tehnology to convert virtual into real life, live healthy, and happy!!!???
Ivana Kulpinac Crepulja NEW AGE MEDIA – SOCIAL MEDIA (R)EVOLUTION -New revolution- -ANTOLD STORI -When was the last time you did something for the first time!!!???? -Did you noticed that some people look happy most of the time!!!??? Or they know something more? Of course they do! -We are going to make it happen for you!!! We are going to make something that you have never seen before!!! -And it will change our life forever!!!