Understanding Drugs and Medicines
1. What is the difference between a drug and a medicine? Drugs are substances that cause a change in a person’s physical and/or psychological state. Medicines are drugs that are used to cure, prevent or treat illnesses or discomfort
2. What is a side effect? What are some common side effects of medicines? ~ An effect caused by a drug other then the intended effect ~ Common side effects are headaches, sleepiness, diarrhea, nausea
3. What is the difference between prescription drugs and over-the- counter drugs? ~ Prescription drugs – you must have a written order from a doctor ~ OTC drugs – you can just go in and buy
What do the following types of common medications do for our body?
~ they relieve pain ~ three types are: aspirin acetaminophen ibuprofen
blocks the action of the body chemical histamine which causes allergy symptoms
work against stomach acids which can cause heartburn
5. What is the difference between a generic medicine and a brand name medicine? Generic drugs are made by a company other then the company that developed the original medicine. They are chemically identical to the original, have the same active ingredients. The difference may be in the inactive ingredients, things that give the pill it’s shape, color, size.
6. Allergic reactions can range from very mild to life threatening. What is the most serious reaction called and what are the symptoms of it? ~ Anaphylactic Shock – effects the entire body including itching all over, swelling, especially in the mouth and throat, wheezing or difficulty breathing, pounding heart, fainting and unconsciousness.
7. What are drug interactions? Happens when drugs react with another drug, food or dietary supplement. Could increase or decrease the effect of a drug.
8. What are the steps in the path of addiction?
9. Why is illegal drug use dangerous? a. dangerous /permanent damage to brain and body b. become addicted c. major factor in suicide, accidents and crimes d. risk of spreading disease through sharing needles e. can result in overdose f. drug use leads to making irresponsible decisions
10. The reasons people begin using drugs are similar to the reasons they begin to drink or smoke. What are these reasons? a. Desire to experiment b. Desire to escape depression / boredom c. Enjoyment of risky behavior d. Belief that drugs solve personal problems e. Peer pressure f. Media glamorizing drug use
11. While there are many different illegal drugs, all illegal drugs have 3 things in common. What are these 3 things? a. Effect function of the brain b. Dangerous to health c. Result in drug dependence and addiction
12. What are some of the effects Marijuana has on the body? Slowed thinking, difficult paying attention, no sense of time or distance, loss of short term memory, shrinks your brain
13. Can you become dependant on Marijuana? Yes, you can build a tolerance and a dependence to it.
14. Can marijuana use effect your driving? If so, how? Yes, much much like how alcohol effects your driving. It can slow reaction time and impair your judgment
15. What are inhalants? What are 2 legal inhalants used by physicians? Drugs that are inhaled as vapors such as laughing gas and asthma medicine
16. What type of effects might you experience from inhalants? Hyperactivity, loss of inhibitions, dizziness, loss of coordination, difficulty speaking and thinking, fear, anxiety, depression
17. Drugs that lead to the use of other drugs are called what? What are the 3 most common ones?
18. What are Club or Designer drugs? ~ Drugs made to resemble common illegal drugs in chemical structure and effect.
~ most commonly abused club drug. ~ also called X & XTC ~ Increases awareness of senses, hallucinations, increased energy, loss of judgment ~ Side effects may be muscle tension, teeth clenching, impaired learning and memory
~ GHB a clear liquid or white powder. ~ Causes euphoria, relaxation, dizziness and loss of inhibitions. ~ High doses could cause vomiting, memory loss. Respiratory problems, loss of consciousness, seizures, coma and death ~ Also known as the date rape drug
The fact it is used as a horse tranquillizer is a start. After the initial rush, the body can become numb and paralyzed, there may be sickness and vomiting, and co-ordination can go making the simplest task impossible to do. You can also suffer from terrifying hallucinations, such as your limbs growing or shrinking, and a feeling that you're close to death. ~ known as Special K, Kit Kat or Vit. K.
~ effects range from mild euphoria to distortions of reality, out of body experiences and psychotic behavior also known as
are a synthetic version of the male hormone What type of effects might this drug have on an adolescences body and mind?
~ Bones will mature early, growth can be stunted. ~ Can cause sever acne, increased cholesterol, rapid weight gain, liver damage, kidney tumors, heart disease and heart attacks.
Can cause breasts to grow in males Can shrink the testes and reduce sperm count.
Feeling of paranoia, panic attacks, depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts
ROID RAGE can lead to violent behavior, crime assault and rape. Makes abusers more irritable and aggressive.