Entrepreneurship - Building an Online Content Creation Business This Presentation Can be Downloaded From Our Website at:
Introduction and Baseline Premise Initial Premise: You want to create monetized, YouTube videos ; Promote Them Online; and Earn Enough Revenue From Them to be Able to Make This a Full-Time Business You have an idea what you want to create but you don’t know how to build it all, how to market it and how to make money from it. Where do you start? What are the steps you need to complete to get into a final productive and operational routine that makes you money? What should your “Underlying Systems” (applications, interface points, etc.) look like? For a simple business model – you are unsophisticated and just starting out For a more sophisticated operational model – building automated interfaces between logical business delivery components (Future Presentation) Once operational, what might your business day look like? What will your ultimate revenue sources be?
Content Creation Define What Sort of Content You Wish to Create Original Content – Should All be Monetizeable Does it Lend it self to becoming a series of videos? …Then Build a Roadmap for Their Creation and Follow Your Map Curated Content? To monetize, be sure you curate shareable, royalty-interest free content See YouTube Guidelines Regarding Monetization Watch Training Videos Relating to Monetization of Curated Content Go to Go to YouTube Creator Studio/Create/Audio Library for Acceptable Royalty Music Obtain and Become Proficient With Video Creation Tools/Software – You Will Probably Need… Audio and Video Editing and Creation Tools Camera, Video and Possibly Lighting Equipment Screen Capture Software Video Conversion Software/Capabilities (MP4 Creation, etc.) Presentation Software for Slide Creation (such as Microsoft Powerpoint, Excel, etc.) Photo Modiification/Enhanement Software (such as Adobe Photoshop) Possibly Website Development Software and “FTP Upload Software” if doing a website
Getting Started Purchase and become proficient with your content creation tools Build an initial inventory of videos you wish to publish Note: You will need to upload to YouTube approximately 7-10 monetize-able videos before they will allow you to become monetized Think about and create your desired “Brand”: Channel Name, Logo, Thumbnails, Branded Video Intro Segment ( may be able to help you if you need assistance) Build Your Profiles on Key Social Media Sites – I recommend at a minimum: Facebook – Build a Business Page There Google Plus – Linked to Your YouTube Account Good idea to use a “Gmail” account for this – its fully integrated with YouTube and Google Plus Pinterest Twitter LinkedIn Build an initial Follower base on the above sites – suggest you try to get around 500 followers in each before going too far with loading videos after being monetized.
Operational System Flow Diagram Build Social Relationships and Promote Content Watch Videos & Subscribe Offers & Contact Forms Facebook VideosArticles & Books Website Link Render Webpage(s) (Website or YouTube) Issue s Customer Receives & Clicks Link(s) Interfaced Messaging System Message Management Google+ Twitter LinkedIn For Sale ItemsBio’s AnalyticsVideosSubscribe YouTube AdsenseAdwordsPromotion Tools Bank Account Receive Adsense Revenue Pay Adwords Advertising External Site Promotion Write and Distribute Articles Follower & 3 rd Party Promotions Link Publishers, Word of Mouth, Etc. Pay Watch Videos & Subscribe Watch Videos & Subscribe Watch Videos & Subscribe Capture New Consumer Share Content Content Creation Create Videos Format Videos Publish Videos
An Average Business Day An average day of business could look as follows: Subscribe to and read daily news articles - finding useful news articles to share with others. Social media is all about contributing and helping each other succeed. Share what news and photos you liked across the different social media platforms Look for content others have created and “Like or Plus#1” content you like and follow those who create the content you are liking. Comment on their work where you wish to and share what you like with others – Help those that are putting in the effort to create quality content – they deserve it for their effort put in also! Think about what content creation project you wish to work on that day and spend some time working on it to ultimately produce it. When a new content item is ready to produce, upload it to YouTube, annotate it and share it across your social media platforms to those who would be interested in viewing it. Promote it without being pushy about it! Communicate with others, answer questions posed by others, or ask some of your own to others, and thank people appropriately, etc. when they do nice things for you. Check out your recent statistics and review your sites to see where you can improve – also, continue to build out additional innovations and capabilities of your own systems.
Sources of Revenue for Your Business As you proceed down the Content Creation business path, you will grow and expand your sources of income usually starting with: Adsense revenue from Google relating to your monetized videos on YouTube, your blog and your website. Other products and services you may sell from your website Your videos may lead you to write articles and books that you may be able to sell Sponsorship revenue – some people may sponsor you financially to keep creating Advertising revenue – could come in a few forms as you grow: Companies may pay you to promote their products to your subscriber base Companies may pay you to create and distribute video advertisements for them Companies may pay you to sell their products from your website You may be able to earn revenues testing and then reviewing products from companies you either affiliate with or from independent product testing/reviewing entities You may be able to build websites and social media followers and then sell these developed businesses and websites to others
Closing Comments… You will not make significant revenue from this during the first several months – could take you a year or more to develop sustainable income streams Your income from this business will grow over time, the longer you do it and work at it, the more you will start earning As you start building your content, you should also start building your follower base – as this also is something that takes time to grow and solidify Build relationships and collaborations with people as you go. They will help you along the way and you will help them – and all will be the richer for it Above all else, enjoy it – this is meant to be creative fun!