Workers’ Compensation 101 For Employers: WHAT TO DO WHEN AN EMPLOYEE REPORTS A CLAIM
Educate Employees on Reporting Injuries Give immediate notice regardless of how minor they believe the injury to be Report the injury to the proper supervisor Be aware that the employer will provide medical attention if needed upon the reporting of an injury Immediately report the claim to insurance carrier
Investigate the Facts of the Accident Investigate immediately regardless of how minor the injury appears Get a statement from the employee asking what happened, how it happened, who witnessed the accident, what injuries he/she sustained Get statements from all witnesses Keep a separate Workers’ Compensation file
Offer a Proper Panel of Physicians to the Employee Have a written panel of physicians on file to hand to the employee for choosing a treating physician Do not rely on mere posting of a panel Require the employee to choose from the panel and document that choice on the face of the panel list Make sure the panel of physicians has a minimum of three facilities/physicians not in the same group The panel can have as many providers as you want Timing with regard to the offer of the panel is everything
Follow the Claim Communicate with the adjuster Provide all pertinent information to the adjuster to help him/her further investigate and handle the claim Cooperate fully with defense counsel if case goes to litigation