Social Media for Traffic + SEO How to leverage the channels of social media marketing to earn direct traffic and higher search engine rankings Rand Fishkin, SEOmoz CEO, March 2011
At SEOmoz, we make SOFTWARE!! We don’t offer any consulting.
Where Does Social Media Traffic Originate?
Q+A Sites
Social News / Bookmarking
Is Social Traffic Worthwhile?
Direct Value of Visits
Direct SEO Impact Danny Sullivan: If an article is retweeted or referenced much in Twitter, do you count that as a signal outside of finding any non- nofollowed links that may naturally result from it? Google: Yes, we do use it as a signal. It is used as a signal in our organic and news rankings. We also use it to enhance our news universal by marking how many people shared an article
Citations & References Citations almost always lead and exceed straight links
Branding via Exposure to a New Audience
2nd-Order Awareness Impact via Social Sources
How Can Social Sources Influence SEO?
Direct Effect for Twitter / Facebook
Possible Effects from LinkedIn / Google Buzz
Influence the Influencers to Link + Share
Create Direct Links in Social Profiles/Publishers
Clickstream Data
Where to Participate on the Social Web
Social News Sites
Q+A Sites
Document Sharing Sites and
Emerging Social Properties
Emerging Social Properties
Emerging Social Properties
Emerging Social Properties
Best Practices for Social Marketing
Start with Great Content People Will Want to Share
Use Sharing (and SEO) Friendly Formats
Choose the Right Communities
Create Robust Profiles
Be Consistent Across Mediums Hot tip – search for other strong social participants in your industry to find profile opportunities
Contribute High Quality Content
Link Drop Authentically
Be Cautious With Anchor Text
Create + Leverage Offline Relationships
Examples of Great Social Media Marketing in Action
Virgin America
Old Spice
Oyster Hotels
Great Case Studies from Radian6
Q+A Rand Fishkin, CEO & Co-Founder, SEOmoz Blog: You can now try SEOmoz PRO Free! You can now try SEOmoz PRO Free!
Summary of This Presentation Using Social Media to Drive Traffic + Search Rankings: The Source of Social Media’s Rise and Value How Social Media Can Add Value to a Company How Social Media Can Influence Search Engine Rankings Where + How to Participate in Social Media Marketing Examples of Great Social Campaigns