School: Coolidge School Year:
Good Evening and Welcome to Back to School Night. As you may know I am new to the Wyckoff School District and this is my first year teaching 3 rd grade. I previously worked in a middle school in East New York, Brooklyn and recently completed my Masters degree in Elementary Education. I also have a Bachelors degree in Elementary Education from Bucknell University. I am originally from Hackettstown, NJ and now live in Morristown with my puppy Oakley
The aides bring in the students at 8:48 and school begins at 8:50. Please remember to call in all absences and write a note when your child is able to return to school.
We begin the year learning about numbers to 10,000. Our focus is on counting, place value, and comparing and ordering numbers. We move to Mental Math and Estimation, Adding/subtracting larger numbers and Multiplication and Division Tables for 6-9.
Math will be challenging and exciting this year. Math in Focus develops critical thinking skills, communication skills, and written skills, and forces students to think about math in different ways. There will be many opportunities for hands on activities and collaboration.
There are 3 Science units that we explore this year: Structures of Life, Measurement and Earth Materials. Additionally, we study the body systems of Respiration, Digestion and Circulation. Assessments will be given with study guides sent home in advance.
Monday- Art Tuesday- Computers Wednesday- Music Thursday –Media Friday- P.E. New this year 60 minutes Specials. Wow!
Please encourage your child to eat a healthy snack each day. Recess, then lunch is from 12:05- 12:45.
Recess is supervised by the aides. It is important for your child to report any bullying to the nearest adult.
Writing Workshop occurs 4-5x week. Currently, we are beginning a Personal Narrative unit. Students will write and elaborate about an interesting experience they have had in their life. Mini- lessons will help students to learn about leads, elaborations, word choice and other skills such as editing and revising.
During September, Reading Workshop is launched. Expectations for the workshop are established and students are being assessed for their level of engagement with their Just Right (independent leveled books). Students read both fiction and non-fiction selections during this month. A log is recorded each night.
Each day in class, students will read independently and respond in their reading notebooks, or with sticky notes. Guided reading groups/skill and strategy groups may occur at this time, also.
Word Study Students were assessed for their knowledge of Third grade sight words and application of sound Patterns at their current level and they will be working in a small group to learn new words. A homework activity schedule will be glued into their Word Study notebook soon.
This year students will learn about maps and continents, the Northeast region and the State of New Jersey. There will be assessments with study guides sent home to review.
Dismissal is at 3:20 each day. Please try to give me advance notice if your child is leaving earlier, so he/she may have the homework copied sooner.
Each student has a homework planner. The policy is 30 minutes of written homework and an additional minutes of independent reading.
We have a behavior chart where students have different colored behavior cards (green, yellow, and red). Students receive a reward for staying on “green” for 5 days in a row. We also have a marble jar where the class and individual students earn marbles for good behavior/ hard work.
This year we will be working with Ms. Levine on Google Docs projects, also some non-fiction writing about content related themes.
From time to time, notices will be going home in your child’s homework folder. Please be looking in the folder each night for anything new. Sometimes, I may send you an to relay some new information.
In the Spring, we will be taking a trip to the Sterling Mineral Mine in Franklin, New Jersey. This trip relates to our unit on Earth Materials in Science.
Thank you for supporting your child in learning this year. We have a Star of the Week program. A name is selected out of the jar and he/she is the Star for the Week. Students will decorate a board and bring in a mystery object with clues. Parents are invited in to class to participate. A direction sheet will be sent home to assist you.
I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities! for taking the time to attend Open House!