Open Budget Meeting 1. 2 State Appropriations Tuition & Fees Auxiliary Enterprises Major Repair & Renovation (MRR) Salaries and Wages Utilities Supplies.


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Presentation transcript:

Open Budget Meeting 1

2 State Appropriations Tuition & Fees Auxiliary Enterprises Major Repair & Renovation (MRR) Salaries and Wages Utilities Supplies and Equipment Technology Facilities and Maintenance Public Safety Campus Activities and Services Capital funds can not be used to pay for salaries and wages State procurement guidelines must be followed Student fees must be used in conjunction with specific services Prudent fiscal management required for all sources State Appropriation may be reduced at anytime New focus on Financial Ratios Economic conditions have a direct impact on our ability to collect the revenues necessary to satisfy the needs and obligations of the University UsesRestrictionsRealities CSU Foundation Endowments Scholarships Unrestricted Annual Giving Sponsored Programs Clayton State University Resources

Open Budget Meeting 3 FY15 FUNDING REQUESTS PRIORITY Requests One Time FundingPermanent FundingA (5)B (3)C (2)D (1)TOTALS 1 Funding for implementation of QEP-SACS/QEP 50, Academic Advisors (2)-Provost/Academic Affairs 107, Psychology Assistant Professor 67, Communications Lecturer 67, Custodian I-Building Services 26, Additional funding for CAPS Psychiatrist-Student Affairs(CAPS) 12, Funding for facilities equipment for new Science Building 40, Funding to create new Natural Sciences Labs Technician and reorganize existing position 60, Philosophy Lecturer 60, Rhetoric and Composition Assistant Professor 62, Funding for (10) surveillance cameras on campus-Public Safety 25, Funding for equipment for Mathematics Lab for students 7, Additional funding to create new Graphic Designer position-Marketing & Communications 25, Associate VP Marketing & Communications-External Relations 150, Security Officer/CSU East-Public Safety 35, Funding for replacement of campus routers-OITS Networking 70, Funding for CAPS Psychiatrist currently allocated from health fee-Student Affairs(CAPS) 34, Director of Visitor & Welcome Services-Enrollment Management 99, Administrative Assistant-Graduate Studies 40, Funding for replacement of mission critical server room UPS-OITS Networking 80, Funding for Writers' Studio-English 55, MEP Lead Technician/Building Manager-Building Operations 65, Funding for Educational Advisory Board software-Provost Office 70, Funding to make part time position in Procurement full time 30, Banner Support Analyst-OITS Admin Systems 66, Administrative Assistant-Natural Sciences 41, Virtual Services Librarian-Library 55, Funding for Departmental Campus Support Analysts-HUB 40, Custodian II-Building Services 32, Funding for part time position in Accounting Svcs 22, Additional funding for division wide Travel/OS&E-Student Affairs 25, Additional funding to create new Social Media Specialist position-Public & Media Relations 25, Funding for (4) surveillance camera monitors in Public Safety office 3, Funding for additional Part Time faculty(Off-Campus)-Provost Office 50, Security Officer/Fayette-Public Safety 35, Funding for equipment for film production courses-Visual & Performing Arts 28, Administrative Assistant-Extended Programs 40, Security Guard/Surveillance Specialist-Public Safety 30, Administrative and Utilities Coordinator-Facilities Management 52, Project Manager/Coordinator-OITS Neworking 53, Grounds Foreman-Landscape Management 41, Additional funding for purchasing resources for students-Library 57, Funding for CSU 1022 course staff stipends-1st Year Advising & Retention Center 25, Funding for lifecycle upgrade plan for obsolete AV equipment-OITS Media Services 104, Funding to make position in Media Services whole 6, Economic Development Coordinator(Release Time)-College of Business 10, Funding for Student Retention and Performance Datamart-OITS Admin Systems 114, Faculty/Advisor-Interdisciplinary Studies 53, Funding for PeopleAdmin faculty job portal-Provost Office 8, Funding for security gates at Clayton Station-Public Safety 475, Funding for Staff Development and Training Program-HR 10, Funding for power surge protection at guard station-Public Safety 1, Funding for utility security vehicle-Public Safety 20, Funding for new space for Student Software/Call Center/Campus Support-HUB 27, TOTALS 973,467 1,919,

Open Budget Meeting 4 Revenue FY14 Budget FY15 Budget State Appropriation 23,251,922 ???? Special Funding Initiative 162,133 ???? Tuition 27,750,000 ???? Fees & Other General 6,322,100 6,124,750 Carry Forward Funds 600, ,500 58,086,155 ???? Expenditures Updated current budget 55,733,662 ???? Required Funding Items added: University Contingency 120, ,000 Increase in health insurance/TRS 19,432 ???? Increase in software licenses 34,539 46,699 Faculty Promotions including benefits 76,563 ???? Archives 56,000 Chiller NSB 350,000 Possible Funding for Merit Raises ???? 56,040,196 ???? Unresolved Issues** Salary Stressors including benefits 295,843 ???? Litigation 45,000 ???? Campus Loop Utilities Additional Funds 400,000 Veterans Resource Center 10,000 Archives ??? Library Renovation ???? 750,843 ???? Left to Distribute 1,295,116 ???? ** Library renovations will be accomplished by utilizing the salary savings

Open Budget Meeting 5 Merit Salary Increase The FY 2015 budget includes funds for Executive, Judicial, and Legislative agencies equivalent to one percent of personal services to be used for merit based pay increases for high performing current employees, salary adjustments needed to address retention in strategic job classifications, or to increase salaries to recruit skilled new employees. The budget also includes additional funding for resident instruction for the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia to enable the University System to remain competitive in attracting the highest quality faculty for Georgia's institutions of higher learning. Provide funds for recruitment and retention of Regents faculty effective July 1, Provide an amount equivalent to 1% of personal services for Regents staff and public librarians to be used for performance incentives or salary adjustments necessary for employee recruitment and retention effective July 1, $11,300,508 CSU 1% amount—$363,456

Open Budget Meeting 6

7 FY13 $25K & Over Requests Requests Amount 1Marketing Implementation for Dreams. Made Real. 48,000 FUNDED 2Renovations of NBS Room ,000 FUNDED 3Network Upgrades for Faculty Hall & University Center 80,000 FUNDED 4Purchase Electronic Reference Materials for Library Collections-Ebscohost 58,553 FUNDED 5Consultation Services to Implement new IT Strategic Plan 40,000 FUNDED 6Purchase Electronic Reference Materials for Library Collections-GVRL 98,219 FUNDED 7Outdoor Living Laboratory/Field Space 150,000 8Network Upgrades for Lecture Hall 220,000 FUNDED 9Establish Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation 40,740 10Purchase Stock Ticker Display 51,490 TOTALS 866,002

Open Budget Meeting 8