CSCI 578 Software Architectures Dr. Chris Mattmann Tuesday, August 27, 2013
27-Aug-13CS578CAM-2 The Class Will give you a complete treatment of the area of software architecture The fundamental building blocks of software systems Components (units of computation) Connectors (interactions between the software components) Configurations (arrangements of components and connectors) Will equip you with the necessary skills to design complex, real-world software
27-Aug-13CS578CAM-3 General Class Information Lecture, but… You can participate You should participate You will participate, that is, if you want to do well :) On-campus, and remote (DEN) sections DEN section capped at 20 students Not my limit, but DEN’s Please ask questions, if you need to
27-Aug-13CS578CAM-4 General Class Information Syllabus/Web Site: 3b/ 3b/ Visit it often, as the schedule may change! This is where all of your homework assignments will be posted This site will point you to required reading, and to lectures that you can download before class
27-Aug-13CS578CAM-5 What We’ll Cover The entire spectrum of software architecture Where it fits in the overall software engineering process -- it’s the linchpin! Software architectural styles, product line architectures, components, connectors, implementation frameworks, middleware, non- functional properties, visualization, the role of the architect…lots of topics! Topical research in software architecture (Optional) papers, data-intensive systems, etc.
27-Aug-13CS578CAM-6 Me Graduated with my Ph.D. in Computer Science from USC in 2007 Advisor: Dr. Nenad Medvidovic Was a student at USC from B.S., Computer Science 2001 M.S., Computer Science 2003 My research interests Open Source Software, Apache Software Foundation Was one of the inventors of Hadoop (Nutch PMC) Inventor of Apache Tika, The intersection of software architectures, and large-scale data dissemination Information Retrieval Search Engines – I’m teaching a class, CS572, on this topic during Spring 2013
7 U.S. National Climate Assessment (pic credit: Dr. Tom Painter) SKA South Africa: Square Kilometre Array (pic credit: Dr. Jasper Horrell, Simon Ratcliffe) 27-Aug-13CS578 My Other Day Job The Big Picture Astronomy, Earth science, planetary science, life/physical science all drowning in data Fundamental technologies and emerging techniques in archiving and data science Largely center around open source communities and related systems Research challenges (adapted from NSF) More data is being collected than we can store Many data sets are too large to download Many data sets are too poorly organized to be useful Many data sets are heterogeneous in type, structure Data utility is limited by our ability to use it Proposal focus: Big Data Archiving Research methods for integrating intelligent algorithms for data triage, subsetting, summarization Construct technologies for smart data movement Evaluate cloud computing for storage/processing Construct data/metadata translators “Babel Fish”
CAM-8 Nature magazine piece on “A Vision for Data Science” in Jan. 24 th issue Big Data Initiative highlighted Outline algorithm integration (regridding, metrics); automatic understanding of data metadata formats and open source as “key issues” 27-Aug-13CS578 Where we’re headed
27-Aug-13CS578CAM-9 Software Architecture Research Problem Content repositories are growing rapidly in size At the same time, we expect more immediate dissemination of this data How do we distribute it… In a performant manner? Fulfilling system requirements? ?
27-Aug-13CS578CAM-10 Data Distribution Technologies bbFTP GridFTP Aspera HTTP/REST RMI CORBA SOAP XML-RPC Bittorrent JXTA UFTP FTP SFTP SCP Siena GLIDE/PRISM-MW Which one is the best one? Given our current architecture? Given our distribution scenarios and requirements?
27-Aug-13CS578CAM-11 Architectural Decisions Architectural decisions (such as connector selection) impact functional and non-functional properties of the overall data distribution system architecture It does matter what connector you select Functional (performance) Efficiency, consistency, scalability, dependability of the data transfer Non-functional (e.g., interoperability, security) We assert that this process has largely remained an art form and forces organizations to rely on organizational gurus whose knowledge is never encoded or understood
27-Aug-13CS578CAM-12 Overall Approach Connector KB Performance KB“Black Box” Guru “White Box” Guru Data System Architect Data Distribution System Architecture
27-Aug-13CS578CAM-13 So, today… You’re free to enjoy the day Course book (Possible) Reading assignment Chapter 1: The Big Idea Be ready to get going on Thursday