Mrs.Garcia, Ms. DiPuglia, Mrs. Agulia & Mrs. Blazquez FCAT Parent Workshop Fourth Grade Mrs.Garcia, Ms. DiPuglia, Mrs. Agulia & Mrs. Blazquez January 22, 2014
Free powerpoint template: Agenda Welcome Teacher Presentation Facts about FCAT FCAT Reading, Mathematics, and Writing Questions/Concerns Free powerpoint template:
Free powerpoint template: What is the FCAT 2.0? The Florida Department of Education is transitioning from the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test® (FCAT) to the FCAT 2.0, to align with new student academic content standards. The FCAT 2.0 will measure student achievement of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) in reading, mathematics, and science, in place of the Sunshine State Standards. Writing for students in grades 4,8, and 10 Reading and mathematics for students in grades 3 through 10th Free powerpoint template:
Free powerpoint template: How is FCAT 2.0 Scored? The success a student has achieved with the NGSSS assessed on the FCAT 2.0 is described by Achievement Levels that range from 1 to 5, with Level 1 being the lowest and Level 5 being the highest. To be considered on grade level, students must achieve Level 3 or higher. Free powerpoint template:
Free powerpoint template: Test Dates Feb. 25 Writing 60 minutes April 14 Reading 70 minutes April 15 Reading 70 minutes April 21 Mathematics 70 minutes April 22 Mathematics 70 minutes Free powerpoint template:
Types of Questions Reading Math Writing Multiple Choice (MATH & READING) Multiple Choice Gridded Response (MATH ONLY) Either an Expository or a Narrative prompt Free powerpoint template:
What will be covered on the Reading portion of the 4th grade FCAT? Free powerpoint template:
Free powerpoint template: Types of Text FCAT Reading measures students’ achievement in constructing meaning from a wide variety of texts. Reading passages in fourth grade are 50% literary and 50% informational text. Free powerpoint template:
Free powerpoint template: Informational Text Magazine Newspaper Diaries Biographies Consumer Materials Advertisement How to articles Tables & graphical text Free powerpoint template:
Free powerpoint template: Literary Text Short stories Excerpts Personal Narratives Poems Historical Fiction Fables & Folk Tales Plays Free powerpoint template:
FCAT Reading Categories Vocabulary Reading Application Literary Analysis Fiction/Non-Fiction Informational Text/ Research Process Free powerpoint template:
Reading Reporting Categories Grades Vocabulary Reading application Literary Analysis Fiction/ Non Fiction Informational Text Research Process 3-5 20 % 30% 20% Free powerpoint template:
Sample Reading Passage Free powerpoint template:
Sample Reading Passage Free powerpoint template:
Sample Reading Passage Free powerpoint template:
Reading How to help your child at home Encourage your child to read 30 minutes daily and ask them questions of what they have read Encourage your child to ALWAYS go back to the text to find the answer Subscribe to children’s magazines such as Highlights, Time for Kids, Scholastic, etc. Visit the media center Free powerpoint template:
Free powerpoint template: FCAT Writing FCAT Writing measures achievement in writing for Florida students in grades 4,8, and 10 by having the students draft writing that is scored with an emphasis on four content areas. The writing is evaluated for its overall quality. Free powerpoint template:
Free powerpoint template: Writing Information Students will be given 60 minutes to plan, write and revise their essay. Students must write a complete essay Pre-determined prompt Students MUST address the prompt Graded on a 6 point scale 3.5 is a passing grade on the writing FCAT Free powerpoint template:
FCAT Writing Focus Organization Support Conventions demonstrates a main idea or theme & stays on topic Organization follows a plan that includes an introduction, effective transitional devices, & a conclusion Support includes use of specific details & precise word choice to explain, clarify, or define meaning Conventions demonstrates knowledge of the basic skills of punctuation, capitalization, spelling, usage, & sentence structure Free powerpoint template:
FCAT Writing Sample Prompts Narrative: The teacher comes into the classroom and puts a bag on her desk. Then she goes out of the classroom. The bag on her desk begins to move. Now write a story about the day that the teacher put a bag on her desk, and it started to move. Make the reader feel that he or she is there in the classroom. Expository: Everyone has a favorite time of the year. Think about the time of year that you like best. Write to explain to your reader why this time of the year is your favorite.
Sample Expository Essay (3) Free powerpoint template:
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Sample Expository Essay (4) Free powerpoint template:
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Math FCAT Grade 4 General Content Limits Whole Numbers Measurement Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Decimals Fractions Percents Free powerpoint template:
Math FCAT Grade 4 Content Focus Operations & Problems Multi-digit multiplication Numeric Patterns Equations Division, Subtraction, Addition of whole numbers Finding factors & multiples Estimating products Base Ten & Fractions Converting decimals to fractions; converting fractions to decimals Comparing and ordering fractions and decimals Equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions Converting fractions to percents; converting percents to fractions Geometry & Measurement Finding area Classifying angles Reflections, rotations Identifying 3-dimenstional figures and 2-dimensional figures Free powerpoint template:
Sample Math Question- Multiple Choice Mr. Desai has 112 art students. He gave each student 150 dried beans to use for a project. What is the total number of dried beans Mr. Desai gave his students? A. 267 B. 1,680 C. 5,600 D. 16,800 Free powerpoint template:
Sample Math Questions- Gridded Response Mrs. Pate is displaying science projects on tables in the lunchroom for the science fair. She can display 6 projects on each table. If there are 72 projects to display, what is the total number of tables Mrs. Pate will need? Free powerpoint template:
How to help your child at home Web site resources (FCAT Explorer, Reading Plus, FCAT Focus) Review task cards Review multiplication facts Review weekly vocabulary words Review previously learned skills Keep a journal Free powerpoint template:
Free powerpoint template: For More Information Visit the FCAT website for detailed information Free powerpoint template:
Crunch Time !!!! Attendance is crucial Weekend Homework Purchase the Florida Ready test prep book for $20.00 for your child’s homeroom teacher. ( 6 volunteer hours)
Test Taking Tips Encourage your child to take their time and re-read the questions carefully. Encourage your child to work EVERY problem in math, SHOW THEIR WORK. Early bed time and a healthy breakfast. Bring extra No. 2 pencils, snacks, and a sweater.
Volunteer Hours Copy Paper Treasure Box Items (Candy, Toys) Seasonal Decorations Books for the classroom library Chart Paper Sharpie Markers