Technical College System of Georgia Office of Adult Education As required by the National Reporting System for Adult Education
Before Watching this Presentation FY15 OAE Adult Learner Assessment Policies and Procedures Manual Appendix A – EFL Descriptors Appendix B - GALIS, Goal, and EFL Matrix 2 AP, page 2
Objectives Introduction and Overview General Assessment Requirements Guidelines for BEST Literacy, BEST Plus, GAIN, TABE, and TABE CLAS-E Assessments 3
Introduction to the Assessment Policy Manual 4 AP, pages 3-5
Why an Assessment Policy? Federal requirement: Division of Adult Education and Literacy (DAEL) National Reporting System for Adult Education (NRS) Guidelines 5 AP, pages 3-4
Purposes and Uses of Assessments Student placement Develop rapport with student Analysis of diagnostic information Identify instructional strategies Establish student goals Monitor student progress Certify skill level and program completion 6 AP, page 4
Assessments – ESL and EL/Civics 7 AP, page 6
Assessments – ABE/ASE 8 AP, page 6
Use of Informal Assessments Guide Instruction Monitor Learning Types of Assessments Teacher-made tests Unit tests Portfolios Performance assessments Observations 9 AP, page 4
Management Information System GALIS (Georgia Adult Learners Information System) Store student records Record assessment scale scores Track student progress Generate reports Document special accommodations Document training 10
11 General Assessment Requirements AP, page 6-10
Students to be Assessed 12 AP, page 6
Maintaining Assessment Records AssessmentDocumentation BEST LiteracyTest book and scoring sheet BEST PlusScore report GAINScore report TABEAnswer sheet and score report TABE CLAS-EAnswer book, writing folio, score report 13 AP, page 6
Pre-testing Students ALL students must be assessed within the first 12 hours of attendance The lowest test level determines placement of the student 14 AP, page 7
Post-testing Students All students who meet the minimum hours of instruction for each assessment must be post-tested These timeframes vary from assessment to assessment 15 AP, page 7
GALIS enforces the following post-testing timeframes: AssessmentTimeframe BEST Literacy After 60 hours of instruction BEST Plus After 60 hours of instruction GAIN After 60 hours of instruction TABE After 40 hours of instruction (ABE) After 30 hours of instruction (ASE) TABE CLAS-E After 60 hours of instruction 16 AP, page 7
Training Requirements Local providers ensure test administrators receive proper training each fiscal year OAE provides training for: Assessment Policies and NRS General guidelines for assessments BEST Plus and BEST Literacy All training documented in GALIS 17 AP, pages 8-9
Training Guidelines 18 AP, page 8-9
Pre-testing Accommodations Low literacy level Lack of English proficiency Attempts to assess must be documented in student records and GALIS 19 AP, page 6
Baseline Scores 20 BEST LiteracyEnter form attempted/scale score of 0 BEST PlusEnter form attempted/scale score of 88 GAIN: EnglishEnter form attempted/scale score of 200 GAIN: MathEnter form attempted/scale score of 200 TABE 9&10: Level L, ReadingEnter form attempted/scale score of 160 TABE 9&10: Level L, MathEnter form attempted/scale score of 180 TABE CLAS-E: Listening/SpeakingEnter form attempted/scale score of 230 TABE CLAS-E: Reading/WritingEnter form attempted/scale score of 225 AP, page 6
Accommodations for Disabilities Accommodations must be requested Student must submit documentation of disability Doctor’s Report Certified Diagnostic Assessment Individual Education Plan (IEP) Other clinical records 21 AP, page 9-10
Forms of Accommodations May include, but not limited to: Flexible scheduling and setting Flexible presentation and responding Assistive devices Each assessment provides guidance on acceptable accommodations 22 AP, pages 9-10
23 Guidelines for Each Assessment AP, pages 11-25
BEST Literacy Used with: English as a Second Language (ESL) English Literacy/Civics Reading and writing skills test Administered individually or in groups Print-based test with three forms – B, C, D 24 AP, pages
BEST Literacy Pre-test Pre-test within first 12 hours of instruction Pre-test not valid for placement into Advanced ESL Level (ESL6) 25 AP, page 11-13
BEST Literacy – Post-test Post-test after a minimum of 60 hours of instruction Students pre-tested with BEST Literacy must be post-tested with BEST Literacy 26 AP, page 12
BEST Plus Used with: English as a second language (ESL) English Literacy/Civics Tests Listening Comprehension, Language Complexity, and Communication Administered individually Computer-adaptive or print-based version forms: A, B, C 27 AP, page 14
BEST Plus Pre-test Pre-test within first 12 hours of instruction Pre-test not valid for students who score ESL X (scale scores of 541 and above) 28 AP, page 14
BEST Plus – Post-test Post-test after a minimum of 60 hours of instruction Students pre-tested with BEST Plus must be post-tested with BEST Plus 29 AP, page 14-15
TABE CLAS-E Used with: English as a second language (ESL) English Literacy/Civics Tests Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing Administered individually or in a group Pencil/Paper test administration Two forms (A, B) and Four levels (1, 2, 3, and 4) 30 AP, page 23
TABE CLAS-E Pre-test Pre-test within first 12 hours of instruction Must administer a minimum of two skill area tests in a particular combination: Listening/Speaking or Reading/Writing 31 AP, page 23
TABE CLAS-E Post-test Post-test after a minimum of 60 hours of instruction Students pre-tested with CLAS-E must be post-tested with CLAS-E. 32 AP, page 23-24
Transitioning from ESL to ABE Administer GAIN English or TABE Reading and/or TABE Language Assess in math only if student has a math improvement goal If ABE assessment is administered after an ESL assessment, the student is reported as ESL for the fiscal year 33
GAIN Used with: Adult Basic Education (ABE) Adult Secondary Education (ASE) Two subtests – English and Math Administered individually or in groups Online or paper administration Two forms – A & B 34 AP, page 17
GAIN – Pre-test Pre-test within first 12 hours of instruction Two subtests: English and Math Lowest score is used to determine placement in a level Enter combined scores into GALIS 35 AP, page 17
GAIN – Post-test Post-test after a minimum of 60 hours of instruction Students pre-tested with GAIN must be post-tested with GAIN. Progress Testing is not allowed by local programs funded by OAE 36 AP, page 17-18
TABE Used with: Adult Basic Education (ABE) Adult Secondary Education (ASE) Tests silent reading comprehension, math computation, applied math and language Administered individually or groups Two forms – 9 & 10; five levels – L, E, M, D, A Complete Battery or Survey 37 AP, page 20
TABE – Pre-test Pre-test within first 12 hours of instruction Administer TABE Locator to determine pre-test level(s) 38 AP, page 20
TABE – Post-test Adult Basic Education (ABE) students may be post-tested after a minimum of 40 hours of instruction Beginning ABE Literacy (ABE 1) Beginning Basic Education (ABE 2) Low Intermediate Basic Education (ABE 3) High Intermediate Basic Education (ABE 4) 39 AP, page 20
TABE – Post-test Adult Secondary Education (ASE) students may be post-tested after a minimum of 30 hours of instruction Low Adult Secondary Education (ASE 1) High Adult Secondary Education (ASE 2) 40 AP, pages 20-21
TABE – Post-test Post-testing requires that a different form (9&10) or level (L, E, M, D, A) must be used. Same level (L, E, M, D, A) use alternate form (9&10) Student pre-tests using 9E, post-test using 10E Same form (9&10) use a higher level (L, E, M, D, A) Student pre-tests using form 9M, post-test must be 9D or 9A. Students pre-tested with TABE must be post-tested with TABE 41 AP, page 20-21
Assessment FAQ’s BEST Literacy – page 13 BEST Plus – page 16 GAIN – page 19 TABE – page 22 TABE CLAS-E – page 25 42
Quality Control – Local Programs Enter student data in GALIS by the 10 th of the following month Enter attendance data weekly Local units conduct on-going data integrity checks File review and data comparison Assessment report analysis 43 AP, pages 26-27
Quality Control – System Office OAE provides GALIS training sessions Helpdesk and state staff provide technical assistance State staff provide off-site monitoring of data 44 AP, pages 26-27
Test Security Handling test materials Must be inventoried and kept in locked storage Must not be copied or reproduced Must not be used for instruction Must report missing/damaged items to Program Administrator 45 AP, page 27-28
Test Security Examinee protocol Must not be assisted with tests Answers must not be tampered with May not leave test site with testing materials Test Administrator Must not participate in any activity resulting in inaccurate measurement or reporting of scores Testing Violations - Notify Program Admin. 46 AP, page 28
Technical Assistance Team 47 Office of Adult Education Instructional Services Director Bobby Creech Central/Southeast Georgia Grant Program Support Coordinator Felicia Phelps Metro Atlanta/North Georgia Grant Program Support Coordinator Charita Boles Metro Atlanta/West Georgia Grant Program Support Coordinator Leatricia Williams South/Southwest Georgia Grant Program Support Coordinator Steve Pearce Instructional Services Technical Coordinator Kimberlee Bryant GALIS Helpdesk Data Management Assistant Davida Shelton