Welcome to Ms. Scheck’s 3 rd Grade Class!. A L ITTLE A BOUT M S. S CHECK 4 th Year at Longfellow: 3 years 4 th grade, and first year in year in 3 rd grade.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Ms. Scheck’s 3 rd Grade Class!

A L ITTLE A BOUT M S. S CHECK 4 th Year at Longfellow: 3 years 4 th grade, and first year in year in 3 rd grade Grew up in Elk Grove Village Attended Illinois State University for undergrad Currently in grad school at Concordia University (Educational Technology)

M ATH Multiplication & Division Number Sense & Place Value Fractions Measurement & Data Geometry Focus on math talks, real-world word problems, and using a variety of strategies. The My Math curriculum and other resources will be used to address the Common Core State Standards. “Rainbow Math” on Fridays – differentiated math groups determined by MAP scores, classroom assessments, and teacher observations.

R EADING Reading various genres of literature (short stories, novel studies, poetry) Strong focus on informational text Discussions, activities, and projects will be used to address the Common Core Standards Passport to Reading - school-wide initiative, meets the needs of all students, initial screening process underway, groups are fluid and change often Independent reading - 20 minutes each night - always have a chapter book at school Fluency practice - read aloud frequently – end of year benchmark for grade 3 is 110 words per minute

L ANGUAGE A RTS Grammar Practice (nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, etc.) Vocabulary and Spelling – building vocab from root words. The weekly spelling and vocabulary words will be the same The weekly word lists will be reduced in order for students to gain a greater understanding of each word’s meaning and spelling Daily Language Review (editing, fact vs. opinion, analogies, using context clues, spelling, etc.)

W RITING Narrative Persuasive Expository/Research Multiple modeled writing opportunities Mini-lessons on the 6+1 Writing Traits (ideas, organization, word choice, voice, conventions, sentence fluency, presentation) Incorporating technology (Google docs, Book Creator, iMovie, etc) Multiple opportunities each week for quick writes and practice with editing and revising

S OCIAL S TUDIES & S CIENCE 6 week rotations between subjects Social Studies units: Citizenship, Government, Cultures, Economics, Geography, History Science units: weather and climate, forces & interactions, life cycles & traits, and engineering design

A SSESSMENTS Formative and Summative unit assessments align with the Common Core Standards Standards-Based Report Card Grading: EP: You have gone above and beyond the expectations on a consistent basis, PR: You’ve got it!, AP: You’re on the right track!, NP: Keep working on this skill In lieu of ISAT testing, students will be taking the PARCC (third graders are tested in reading and math) – March and May MAP testing (reading and math) completed on computers two times this year (September and January) DIBELS reading fluency testing completed three times per year

H OMEWORK Assigned as needed for extra practice and reinforcement of skills, especially in math, reading, and vocabulary/spelling Some homework will be electronic once we start using the iPads Students should read for 20 minutes outside of school daily Assignment notebooks should be updated by students and signed by parents daily (X is a missing assignment) Sunrise (7:30) and Lunch Study Hall are available

T ECHNOLOGY 1:1 iPad initiative Used when it enhances the lesson, saves time, motivates students, and personalizes learning Focused on the 4 C’s: Creativity, Communication, Collaboration, and Critical Thinking One universal log-in and password for all sites/programs –kept in assignment notebooks For more information, please visit the iLearn97 website linked to my webpage or contact the district technology director, Michael Arensdorff, at

O AK P ARK E DUCATION F OUNDATION Non-profit organization separate from District 97 Provides a variety of excellent programs for our schools Third graders participate in “Geared Up Legos,” which brings engineering, physical science, math, and technology challenges to our students. Science Alliance – Scientist Sally To learn more visit:

B EHAVIOR E XPECTATIONS Individual Behavior Chart: 4 levels- Rainbow, Green, Yellow, and Red. Students move colors based on choices. Stay on green for being respectful, responsible, and safe. Move to Yellow or Red when repeatedly making poor choices Compliments and Kindness: Catch a classmate and write a Post-It. Whoever has the most moves to rainbow. I can also move students for behaving above and beyond Pebble Jar: When the class as a whole receives compliments from adults. A filled jar is rewarded with a class celebration Bear Necessities: Individual reward which can be used towards the school raffle and/or class passes

S PECIALS S CHEDULE Mondays– Art Tuesdays & Thursdays –Music/Spanish Wednesdays – Library (don’t forget book returns) Fridays– P.E. (don’t forget gym shoes)

S NACKS AND C ELEBRATIONS Due to some severe allergies, third grade classroom snacks can be fresh fruits and vegetables In lieu of birthday treats or food at parties, you can consider sending in small party favors (mechanical pencils, stickers, erasers, etc) – enough for 24 students or a book to read aloud Send in a full, cold water bottle daily (water only, please)

C OMMUNICATION is the BEST way to contact me: Visit my website regularly for curriculum updates, important dates, homework, etc. Notes, forms, permission slips, lunch money, etc can be sent via the red take-home folder Trimester report cards will go home in December, March, and June Formal parent/teacher conferences will be scheduled during the weeks of October 20 th and February 9 th and as needed by appointment

Any Addition Questions?

If you would like to write your child a note you can use the notecard at your desk Have a great rest of your night!