Fortinbras Imagine that you are Fortinbras, taking over the kingdom of Denmark. Write a detailed list of things you will do to restore order and win the confidence of the Danish people. You may present your list as a slide show, create a web page, record it as a speech, or write it to be published for the Danish people to read. No matter the format, be specific in your intent.
Horatio Just before Hamlet dies, he says to Horatio, If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart, Absent thee from felicity a while And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain, To tell my story. (Act 5, Scene 2, lines ) Write a letter from Horatio to Hamlet's friends in Wittenberg, with the aim of helping them understand the shocking news of their friend Hamlet's death. Remember that Horatio is the only one who knows the true story of what has happened in Denmark, and Hamlet has charged him with setting the record straight.