Janka Krotká Katarína Tomajková Martin Kučma
Continent: North America Capital city: Ottawa Official languages: English and French Member of many international organisations: NATO, OSCE, OAS and APEC The national emblem is the maple leaf since 1700’s
The name Canada comes from a Iroquoian Indian word „kanata“ (village) Groups of Inuit inhabited Canada from years ago Vikings settled at L’anse aux Meadows French explorer Samuel de Champlain established in 1603 the first permanent European settlement at Port Royal A Confederation of Canadian provinces was established in 1867 and Canada gained independence from Britain with the status of a dominion
There are 10 provinces: -Alberta -Manitoba -Ontario -Nova Scotia -New Brunswick -Quebec -Newfoundland and Labrador -Saskatchewan -Prince Edward Island -British Columbia and 3 territories: -Northwest Territories -Nunavut -Yukon
Is a Constitutional Monarchy Is a member of the British Commonwealth Has a Parliamentary form of the goverment Has the Queen as the Head of state Has Governor General who represents the Queen Her Majesty, the Queen Elizabeth II
the world’s second-largest country by area About 33 million people live in Canada 3 quarters of Canadians live within 150 km of the US border Inuits (Eskimos) inhabit the northern territories in a very poor conditions in reservations has 34 ethnic groups (the largest is English – 20%) Only 40% people identified their ethnicity as Canadian 83% of population is white race
Canadian culture is multicultural (Toronto is the most multicultural city in the world) National animal of Canada is beaver – there were a lot of beavers at the beginning of settling Canada’s official national sport is curling
has multiple ecosystems: forests of British Columbia prairies of Western Canada tundra of the Northern Canada home to about known species of plants and animals (perhaps many more that have yet been discovered) The fauna is considered to be diverse across Canada The most threatened wildlife species (with flora too) of Canada are listed in the List of Wildlife Spiecies at Risk
Almost half of the territory of Canada takes Canadian Shield To the west of the country lies more than 800 km wide mountain range In much of Canada's climate has a significant temperature fluctuations, mild summers and long cold winters and the far north of the Arctic climate
Lake Ontario is the size of Switzerland Canada has six time zones The baseball glove was invented in Canada in 1883 Other inventions include: the electron microscope the kayak the table hockey the instant food the telegraph the television the ginger beer the snow shoes the telefon the chocolate bar the zipper the electric wheelchair
With 2 million lakes, Canada has the largest amount of freshwater in the world 89% of Canada is not habitable, because the climate is too extreme On the Niagara River are Niagara falls with the highest flow rate of any waterfall in the world and vertical drop 50m It is illegal to practise „woodoo“ in Canada 40% of the world’s newspapers are printed on Canadian paper Yonge street in Toronto is the longest street in the world The Trans-Canada Highway is the longest national highway The world’s smallest jail is in Ontario
Jail in Ontario The Trans-Canada Highway
Niagara falls
In little Canadian town Kitchenuhmaykoosib was found a mysterious animal It has long and hairy body with tail what looks like rats tail No one knows what it could be but people think that it's a mysterious animal Chupacabra that sucks at night blood from goats and sheeps through their neck
Resources: Wikipedia.org Google.com English magazines