J AN D ESIGN OF I NFRARED THERMOGRAPHY DIAGNOSTICS F OR THE WEST P ROJECT X. Courtois, MH. Aumeunier, Ph. Moreau, C. Balorin, H. Roche, M. Jouve, JM Travere, F. Micolon, C. Begat, M. Houry IRFM 1 st IAEA Technical Meeting on Fusion Data Processing, Validation and Analysis Nice, 1 st - 3 rd of June 2015
Introduction IR views objectives & location Design & performances Cameras and signal processing Conclusion OUTLINE Introduction IR views objectives & location Design & performances Cameras and signal processing Conclusion
| PAGE 3IR diagnostic for WEST project THE WEST PROJECT A MAJOR UPGRADE OF TORE SUPRA WEST + Tore Supra supra conductive magnets and actively cooled Plasma Facing Components = capabilities of long pulse operation in a full metallic environment, high fluency (10 MW/m² steady state), H mode => Tore Supra is a unique facility as test bed for ITER W Divertor technology carbon Limiter (2012) X-point, tungsten Divertor (2016) WEST (Tungsten (W) Environment for Steady State Tokamak) project: Aims to transform TORE SUPRA configuration CarbonTungsten
OUTLINE Introduction IR views objectives & location Design & performances Cameras and signal processing Conclusion
| PAGE 5IR diagnostic for WEST project Equatorial port Wide Angle Tangential view Bumper (W/CFC) Lower divertor (full W) Baffle (W/Cu) Antennae protection (W/CFC) Upper divertor (W/Cu) Upper port protection (W/Cu) Outer wall (SS) Inner wall (SS) Endoscope optic front end Standard divertor view Antennae view folded spherical mirror Niche High resolution view Objectives: Measure the surface temperature of Plasma Facing Components (PFC) In order to ensure their integrity and provide data for physics IR VIEWS & MONITORED COMPONENTS
| PAGE 6IR diagnostic for WEST project LH C3 LH C4 ICRH Q4 ICRH Q2 ICRH Q1 7 Divertor Standard Views 100% divertor surface (with overlap) 7 endoscopes located in upper ports Objectives: RT protection of the divertor Physics studies : Plasma Wall Interactions PFC behavior (dust deposition, ageing)... Spatial resolution <10 mm Tokamak top view IR VIEWS OBJECTIVES & LOCATION (1/2) field of view: 60° toroidal angle endoscope location
| PAGE 7IR diagnostic for WEST project 1 Wide Angle tangential view (equatorial port) => temperature monitoring of upper divertor, upper port protections, a bumper LH C3 LH C4 ICRH Q4 ICRH Q2 ICRH Q1 sas 5 Antennas views 3 ICRH & 2 LHCD => for RT protection Spatial resolution <10mm mirror in Inner Protection panel 1 Divertor High Resolution view (2 possible locations in free LoS) => Study gaps and leading edges => Redundancy with the standard views Spatial resolution <1mm tokamak top view => 14 IR views in total IR VIEWS OBJECTIVES & LOCATION (2/2)
OUTLINE Introduction IR views objectives & location Design & performances Cameras and signal processing Conclusion
| PAGE 9IR diagnostic for WEST project UPPER PORT ENDOSCOPE OVERALL DESCRIPTION Optical tube 100 mm 3 optical lines large FOV, water cooled Head Optic front end + Heat load IR Cameras Machine Flange Niche - Folded mirror - cooling plate NEW ! NEW
| PAGE 10IR diagnostic for WEST project IR Wavelength Band Expected range of Temperature (ε=0,2) Time resolution Pixel Projection (512x640 pix) Expected resolution with real 95% true temp. Standard Divertor view (x7) Standard Divertor view (x7) DESIGN COMPLETED Antenna view via mirror (x5) Antenna view via mirror (x5) DESIGN COMPLETED High Resolution Divertor view High Resolution Divertor view DESIGN ONGOING Wide Angle Tangential view Wide Angle Tangential view DESIGN IN PROGRESS OPTICAL DESIGN AND PERFORMANCES [1 - 5µm] 1.7 µm 300°C °C 50 Hz full frame Multi Integration Time (high dyn. T° range) 2 mm 6 24 [ µm] 1.7 µm 250°C °C 250 Hz full frame 1 adaptive IT (reduced T° range) 0.7 mm target [1 - 5µm] 3.5 µm °C 350 Hz full frame 5kHz cropped frame 1 adaptive IT (reduced T° range) > 10 mm NA (high depth of field) [1 - 5µm] 1.7 µm 200°C °C 50 Hz full frame Multi Integration Time (high dynamic T° range) 2.8 mm 8 12
| PAGE 11IR diagnostic for WEST project STANDARD DIVERTOR VIEW (2 X 48° FOV) STD DVT LEFT VIEW LEFT VIEW RIGHT VIEW Optical simulation: Left and right views uses 2 optical lines Optically combination on one detector frame SPEOS CAAV5 © CEA
| PAGE 12IR diagnostic for WEST project STANDARD DIVERTOR VIEW OPTICAL DESIGN ~ 2000 mm 28 lenses (ZnSe, ZnS_Broad, Silicon, CAF2) 2 prisms 4 mirrors 2 tight sapphire windows camera Status : Optical and Opto-mechanical design completed Optical and Opto-mechanical design completed Call for tender for Manufacturing in progress Call for tender for Manufacturing in progress
| PAGE 13IR diagnostic for WEST project ANTENNA VIEW SIMULATION SPEOS CAAV5 ©CEA Monte Carlo Ray tracing photonic simulation
| PAGE 14IR diagnostic for WEST project ANTENNA VIEW OPTICAL DESIGN ~ 2200 mm Status : Optical and Opto-mechanical design completed Optical and Opto-mechanical design completed Call for tender for Manufacturing in progress Call for tender for Manufacturing in progress Mirror: 2 prototypes under manufacturing (Molybdenum & SS) Mirror: 2 prototypes under manufacturing (Molybdenum & SS) Antenna tight window and deflecting mirror head optics relay lenses camera lens tight window 32 lenses (CAF2, Sapphire, AMTIR1, ZnS_Broad) 2 mirrors 2 tight sapphire windows water cooled plate Molybdenum or SS spherical mirror Radius 250mm Folded Mirror
| PAGE 15IR diagnostic for WEST project HIGH RES. DIVERTOR VIEW (20° FOV) The HR view uses the third optical line LEFT VIEW RIGHT VIEW HR VIEW Optical simulation Status : Design in progress Design in progress SPEOS CAAV5 © CEA 512 pixels 640 pixels ≈ 430 mm Strike points
| PAGE 16IR diagnostic for WEST project Simpler design (more space available): 2 mirrors in the vacuum vessel + tight window + camera lens Camera + lens Tight window (sapphire) Status : Optical design completed Optical design completed Opto-mechanical and Mechanical design in progress Opto-mechanical and Mechanical design in progress Optical head spherical mirror Pupil hole 3mm plan mirror TANGENTIAL VIEW PRELIMINARY DESIGN
| PAGE 17IR diagnostic for WEST project IN-SITU TEST : IR REFERENCE SOURCES IN-SITU TEST : IR REFERENCE SOURCES Rugged & vacuum resistant 5 W emissivity = 0.8 Alumina 3.5 mm Ni filament 3V IR sources located on antennas and on divertor views: => reference hot spot check camera good working adjust masks of Region Of Interest IR sources Example of location on LH antenna
OUTLINE Introduction IR views objectives & location Design & performances Cameras and signal processing Conclusion
| PAGE 19IR diagnostic for WEST project Wall Monitoring System Tmax, ROI Alarm + Arc detection + Reflection assessment PXIe / PCIe extender 3 x 64 MB/s Raw DL + Temperature + ROI data 3 FPGA boards 3 FPGA boards Acquisition + RT processing Optical Transceiver Camera Link GPIO Optical Transceiver Cameras Cam. Link Optical fibre WEST database + IR server RT Works IR data (lossless compression) Acquisition PC >500 GB Local data storage (+screen in Control Room) RS232 GPIO Optic fibre Ethernet 64MB/s x3 IR luminance video stream + Tmax & alarm / Region Of Interest Chrono board Copper link Other Diag. data IR acquisition Unit Wall Monitoring system Tokamak WEST power supply PXI Express (5 identical units) RS232 Data capture (Cameras) RT basic data processing & Acquisition system GLOBAL DATA PROCESSING ARCHITECTURE RT Monitoring and interfaces with external systems
| PAGE 20IR diagnostic for WEST project HOME-MADE IR CAMERAS IRFM experience in camera assembling for harsh environment (B +T°) : On the shelf InSb detector spectral range : 1,5µm – 5,0µm 640x512 pixels, Pitch : 15µm 250 Hz acquisition full frame Camera Link video format Multi Integration Time (up to 6 IT) IRFM Design Thermalized filter Soft iron magnetic shielding Rugged power supply Water cooling control Optical Camera Link transceivers Detector procurement in progress Camera design done Status: Bi-spectral camera, HgCdTe 3.5 & 4.5 m 640x512 pix Fast camera, InSb 1-5 m 640x Hz Others available cameras: 12 home-made cameras Customised features, affordable cost
| PAGE 21IR diagnostic for WEST project FPGA BOARD “CENTRAL” HARDWARE COMPONENT Functions: Camera basic functions: Detector local board control Data calibration & corrections (Bad Pixel Replacement, NUC,...) RT Multi Integration-Time processing (up to 6 IT) Data acquisition and storage on PC (PXIe bus) Real time data processing: Region Of Interest processing: Temperature threshold alarm -> Interlock system hard output Hot spot detection, Spatial and temporal filtering RT Data throughput to WMS (Ethernet) Under procurement Code development (VHDL) in progress Status: Reuse of former developments on similar FPGA boards : Monitore Project (IRREEL diag) : algorithms for thermal events smart detection JET Protection Inner Wall project: algorithms for RT monitoring (ROI, filtering,...) Home-made bi-spectral camera : algorithms for calibration, NUC, adaptive IT, acquisition
| PAGE 22IR diagnostic for WEST project Multi-diagnostics analysis for High level Machine protection Discharge data analysis to optimize next discharge Physics parameters (λq, Prad, etc.) Plasma parameters : Magnetic equilibrium, Ip scenario compatibility with PFCs operational limits ? Before discharge During discharge After discharge PFC material, optical properties & operational limits (max surface temperature) Diagnostics features WEST Database M. Travere et al.,1st EPS Conference on Plasma Diagnostics, Frascati, April 2015 Full integrated simulation from the plasma source to the measured temperature WALL MONITORING SYSTEM DISCHARGE LEARNING / OPTIMIZATION PROCESS Diag data (IR) Knowledge for scenario construction & operational limits
OUTLINE Introduction IR views objectives & location Design & performances Cameras and signal processing Conclusion
| PAGE 24IR diagnostic for WEST project CONCLUSION o The WEST upgrade of Tore Supra requires new diagnostics for PFCs protection o 4 different IR views are developed : standard and high resolution divertor views, antennas views, and 1 wide angle tangential view o The developments are in progress : optical and opto-mechanical systems, IR cameras, acquisition and RT processing o A novel system (WMS) is proposed for high level machine protection and discharge control