High School Information Expo: Planning for Success
Graduation Requirements (Smart Core) English – 4 Units Math* - 4 Units Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Pre-Cal, Stats, Adv. Topics and Modeling in Math, Calculus Science * - 3 Units Physical Science Biology Chemistry or Physics * - requirements differ for those NOT completing the Smart Core Social Studies – 3 Units (1/2) Civics (1/2) Economics World History American History Physical Education – ½ Unit Health – ½ Unit Fine Arts – ½ Unit Oral Communications – ½ Unit Electives – 8 Units Total – 24 Units
Concurrent Credit AP English 11 (6 Hours) AP English 12 (6 Hours) PAP Pre-Calculus (6 Hours) AP Calculus (5 Hours) AP Chemistry (4 Hours) AP Physics (4 Hours) AP World History (6 Hours) AP US History (6 Hours) AP Music Theory (3 Hours) Computer Business Applications (3 Hours) Health (3 Hours) Entrepreneurship I & II (3 Hours) French II (3 Hours) French III (3 Hours) Spanish I (3 Hours) Spanish II (3 Hours) Spanish III (3 Hours) Spanish IV (3 Hours) Requirements for enrollment: GPA of at least 3.0 ACT Composite of at least 19 – Reading score at least 19 – Writing score at least 19 – Math score at least 21
Honor Graduate Complete smart core graduation requirements Complete 1 unit of foreign language Earn a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.5 by the end of eight semesters. *4.0 for Highest Honors Have taken at least 8 honors courses. (2 of which must be AP courses.) Attend a public or private high school for at least 6 semesters. (This will be at least 8 semesters starting with the class of 2016.)
Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship FREE money for any Arkansas college! No income limit, but you must complete FAFSA. Apply at using the Universal Scholarship Application by June 1, Requirements: (These requirements start with the graduating class of 2014.) – Smart Core and 2.5 GPA or 19 ACT
Foreign Languages While only 1 unit of foreign language is required to be an honor graduate, please know that some colleges do require 2 units of the same foreign language.
Course Catalog Read the course descriptions in the course catalog to help you choose the best classes. Discuss you choices with parent/guardian. The course catalog can soon be found online at greenbrierschools.org. The course catalog is on the Counselor’s Corner home page.
Elective Choices When you fill out your schedule choice forms, please make sure you mark at least 10 choices for electives. We would rather put you in an elective you have some interest in than just pick one for you. Sometimes classes conflict with each other. Sometimes classes don’t “make” because of various reasons. Sometimes you don’t meet prerequisite requirements to take certain electives.
What if I fail a class? If it is required for graduation, you have to make it up in the APEX lab (credit recovery). Seniors are given priority in the APEX lab.
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