Welcome and Introductions from Chair CPD Presentations am CRBs, ISAs Freedom Bill – Atlantic Data am Break am CRBs, ISAs Freedom Bill cont’d The benefits of online CRBs 12 midday Networking Lunch 12.45pm Seminars 1.15 pm AGM Minutes approved and signed - Chairs Report - Overview of Forthcoming Projects for pm Break 2pm CQC
March 2011 Authors: Sharon Davies and Trish Pearson
2009/10 saw the implementation of the HCPA office, a single point of contact for you to ring or for advice and guidance on all aspects of your business What else did we do
Membership Development Members Meetings Partnership Working Learning Champions SCILs Funding Seminars Apprentices Strategy Groups
We continued to meet quarterly with Sarah Pickup and other strategic HCS staff and over the last year have discussed on your behalf for Help line for payment issues Fee uplift to reflect current climate (last year 1%) Information signposting for self funders Enablement Fuel Costs Poor weather contingencies
We continue to work closely with Skills for Care HCPA are now founders members of the National Skills Academy We are developing close links with our Lead Inspector, building on the relationship with the previous holder of this post. We also strongly support the Care Professionals Benevolent Fund
HCPA are now represented on the following Strategy Group Meetings Care Homes Forum Dementia Learning Disabilities Falls, Fractures and Fragility End of Life Care Planning
Membership grew by 19.4% in This is being increased by the development of different types of membership, and Direct employer membership is another membership option now available and is being marketed.
Members meetings over the last year have included updates and advice on Nutrition and Well-being Medication Marketing Finance Infection Control Complaints Energy Efficiency Pension Reforms Equality Act 2010
The HCPA website was launched last year and supports members with information on CQC compliance, marketing, funding, training and signposting.
Over the last year we have developed 34 Learning Champions who are now co-ordinating training in their organisation. Learning Champions are now a network that HCPA are utilising to ensure organisations are updated and in the loop on training matters
2010 saw the administration of Mandatory training funding brought in house. 67 organisations benefitted from this funding last year 24 new organisations applied to claim mandatory funding This funding has paid for 2802 units
A successful year with some excellent partnership work. We have supported over 1900 units of induction and NVQs. This figure includes an extra 500 units we were awarded because our partnership exceeded the original target.
HCC agreed to HCPA running short qualifications again between Jan and March and this will achieved 1217 qualifications for staff. The two most oversubscribed courses were Level 2 Dementia and First Aid at Work. It has been agreed that any funding from HCC in the next grant should be spread across Mandatory, Short Qualifications and Open courses meeting National Drivers.
During the period Jan to March we managed to run 6 Supervision courses = 72 delegates 4 Autism Courses = 48 delegates 2 Train the Trainer courses (PCP and SOVA)inc PTLLS qualification = 24 delegates Total = 144 delegates In addition to this, there have been 509 delegates for funded Common Induction Standards
HCPA purchased SCILS an online training and development tool to support the development of care staff. Enhanced members can access this tool to support training within their setting.
HCPA ran its first seminar as a direct response to members needs “The Health and Social Care Act – Are You Ready?” Seminar, and saw the attendance of nearly 100 members.
We are now working in partnership with Total Energy Solutions to support members to making savings in their energy bills **HCPA Members are reporting savings of between 30 and 40% supported by a hassle-free service
The approved training suppliers list has been very successful in ensuring funded training is quality assured and to this end, the standards have been reviewed, updated and are due for renewal in April
The Autumn Training Road Show was a popular event, giving care and training providers the opportunity to meet and discuss their needs. Presentations included SCILS and Apprentices in the Social Care Sector
November saw the introduction of the PA Apprentice project 10 PA Apprentices appointed and trained Currently in initial placements