Generating Dialogue: Clean Energy, Good Governance And Regulation, March 17-18, 2008, NUS, Singapore Namrata Mukherjee 17 th March 2008, Singapore.


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Presentation transcript:

Generating Dialogue: Clean Energy, Good Governance And Regulation, March 17-18, 2008, NUS, Singapore Namrata Mukherjee 17 th March 2008, Singapore

Generating Dialogue: Clean Energy, Good Governance And Regulation, March 17-18, 2008, NUS, Singapore Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership REEEP is a global private-public partnership launched by the UK government at the WSSD (August 2002), funded by various governments REEEP currently comprises more than 200 partners representing governments, businesses and NGO’s committed to accelerating the uptake of renewable energy and energy efficiency REEEP is currently funded by several governments: Austria, Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, US, and UK, the major donor of REEEP Call for projects every year: –30 projects funded in 2008 – of 100 K Euros each, –Replication of best practices in innovative finance and regulation and policies 8 Regional Secretariats around the world and sub-networks (SERN, REIL) to give support to partners

Generating Dialogue: Clean Energy, Good Governance And Regulation, March 17-18, 2008, NUS, Singapore 1.REEEP aims to reduce market barriers and financial obstacles for renewables and energy efficiency and so facilitate technology transfer 2.REEEP believes in action on the ground via project activities that are targeted on policy improvements and innovative finance mechanisms 3.REEEP focuses on emerging markets and developing countries and contributes to improving access to reliable energy for the poor REEEP’s vision is to make energy systems sustainable

Generating Dialogue: Clean Energy, Good Governance And Regulation, March 17-18, 2008, NUS, Singapore REEEP delivers value via Regional Secretariats REEEP Regional Office Africa REEEP Regional Office Central Europe REEEP Regional Office East Asia REEEP Regional Office Latin America & Caribbean REEEP Regional Office North America REEEP Local Focal Point MEDREP REEEP Regional Office South Asia REEEP Regional Office South East Asia & Pacific REEEP Regional Office Russia REEEP International Secretariat REEEP Local Focal Point ECOWAS

Generating Dialogue: Clean Energy, Good Governance And Regulation, March 17-18, 2008, NUS, Singapore Sustainable Energy Regulation Network SERN is a sub-network of REEEP core-funded by REEEP & led by the Centre for Management under Regulation, University of Warwick (UK) since 2004: –Research done on regulatory mechanisms (on grid/off grid), –Focusing on the transfer of good practices SERN transfers research outcomes on regulation from the academic world to regulators SERN works with associations of regulators in: –Africa (AFUR, RERA), Caribbean countries (OOCUR), Eastern European countries (ERRA), and in India with TERI SERN counts 350 individual members drawn from every continents SERN acts - at the request of governments - as advisor to integrate renewables and energy efficiency in energy policies and regulatory frameworks

Generating Dialogue: Clean Energy, Good Governance And Regulation, March 17-18, 2008, NUS, Singapore SERN recent activities in 2007/8 PUBLICATIONS –An annual review on countries regulation and policy 2 nd edition released in 2007 with 60 countries, 3 rd edition in 2008 will cover 90 countries –SERN literature review, SERN case studies on regulation CAPACITY BUILDING –Lecture at the 15th Commission on Sustainable Development – Learning Centre, United Nations, New York, May 2007 –Participation at the IEA Expert meetings on Global Best Practice in Renewable Energy Policy & CARICOM expert meeting on harmonised legislation for the reform of the electricity sector –Presentation to conferences and workshops of association of regulators (OOCUR, ERRA, AFUR) SUPPORT TO REEEP PROJECTS on Policy and Regulation –Scientific advisor on a REEEP funded project on off-grid regulation and rural electrification with solar photovoltaic ESCOs in Africa –Input in a REEEP-UNIDO training package (CD-ROM) for regulators on sustainable energy issues in Africa

Generating Dialogue: Clean Energy, Good Governance And Regulation, March 17-18, 2008, NUS, Singapore To contact SERN The REEEP website The SERN webpage To join SERN, please contact: Dr Xavier Lemaire Centre for Management under Regulation Warwick Business School CV4 7AL Coventry (UK)