S. J. Sciutto (Auger Collaboration) - LISHEP2004, Rio de Janeiro, February International data management: The experience of the Auger Collaboration S. J. Sciutto Departamento de Física and IFLP/CONICET Universidad Nacional de La Plata La Plata, Argentina LISHEP2004 Rio de Janeiro, February 2004
S. J. Sciutto (Auger Collaboration) - LISHEP2004, Rio de Janeiro, February The Auger Collaboration 2 Observatories 19 Countries 50+ Institutions 300+ People Southern hemisphere: Malargüe Mendoza, Argentina Northern hemisphere: Millard county Utah, USA
S. J. Sciutto (Auger Collaboration) - LISHEP2004, Rio de Janeiro, February The Auger hybrid detector 3000 km 2 surface array. 4 fluorescence eyes. Detector cross calibration with hybrid events.
S. J. Sciutto (Auger Collaboration) - LISHEP2004, Rio de Janeiro, February SD local station Three 8” PM Tubes Plastic tank White light diffusing liner 12 m 3 of de-ionized water Comms. antenna GPS antenna Battery box SD array: Hexagonal grid of 1600 stations 1500 m between neighbour stations Solar panel and electronics box
S. J. Sciutto (Auger Collaboration) - LISHEP2004, Rio de Janeiro, February Fluorescence detectors 33 telescope units. 3.4 meter diameter mirrors. 440 PMTs per camera. Operate in clear moonless nights (10% duty cycle)
S. J. Sciutto (Auger Collaboration) - LISHEP2004, Rio de Janeiro, February Malargüe FD Ethernet R R R 34Mbs SD Ethernet LSX BSU LS Pm Fd Inet – I2 R High Speed Switch CDAS cluster Campus Ethernet gateway Non-IP traffic Non-Routable IP traffic Routable IP traffic (René Bilhaut LAL & SJS) Private IP CLASS B x.x official IP CLASS C
S. J. Sciutto (Auger Collaboration) - LISHEP2004, Rio de Janeiro, February Auger southern observatory networks SD digital radio links FD and SD microwave links CDAS and campus LAN Link Malargüe – Buenos Aires Access to Internet Access to Internet 2 Designed, built and maintained by Auger Provided by RETINA
S. J. Sciutto (Auger Collaboration) - LISHEP2004, Rio de Janeiro, February Auger data mirroring system Auger countries CDAS at Malargüe Observatory RETINA (Buenos Aires) 1 Mbps link Malargüe- Buenos Aires Primary mirror at Lyon, France Mirror at Fermilab, USA AMPATH link Argentina-USA
S. J. Sciutto (Auger Collaboration) - LISHEP2004, Rio de Janeiro, February Malargüe Observatory gets connected Before Dial-up connection via a long distance call ( and basic services only). Survey of available alternatives for an Internet link. Main difficulty: The last mile Comissioning of 128 kbps full duplex dedicated satellite link with RETINA (Buenos Aires): Full internet services become available at Malargüe The Engineering array prototype starts taking data. The mirroring system enters in operation Upgrading domestic link to 1 Mbps (Microwave + fiber optics). Auger enters Internet 2. Now. Data mirroring system in production phase (120 GB transmitted so far). Current data flow (50 MB/day) is low (only 10% of the SD detectors operative) and expected to grow in the future to 1 TB/yr. Users’ requirements increase continously.
S. J. Sciutto (Auger Collaboration) - LISHEP2004, Rio de Janeiro, February Computer simulations and data analysis Computer simulations are essential for interpreting the real data. Large CPU and storage requirements. Basic simulated data is generated and stored at Fermilab and Lyon. Approximately 200 CPU years have already been used to produce about 6 TB of data. Analysis of simulated data performed at the production centers.
S. J. Sciutto (Auger Collaboration) - LISHEP2004, Rio de Janeiro, February TB across the Atlantic, steered from Argentina The excercise: Copy 25,000 individual data sets of mean size 40 MB (total size 1 TB) from FNAL’s MSS to Lyon. Operations performed from La Plata, Argentina.
S. J. Sciutto (Auger Collaboration) - LISHEP2004, Rio de Janeiro, February International data management at the Auger Collaboration Conclusions The task of providing a reliable internet connection to a location like the Auger Southern Observatory was carried up successfully. The major difficulty was related to the last mile issue. The link proved to be essential for the development of the Observatory. The quality of the communications with institutions within I2 is, at present, very good; but the links to some institutions in developing countries need to be improved.