Input Devices : Pointing Mouse : mechanical, light Touch Pad : finger pressure Track Ball : upside down mouse Pointing Stick : TrackPoint, Isopoint Joystick : and other gaming devices Tablet & Stylus Touch Screen
Input Devices : Reading Optical Mark Readers Bar Code Readers Magnetic Ink Character Readers RFID Tags & Readers
Input Devices : Reading Optical Character Recognition Handwriting recognition Smart Whiteboard
Input Devices : Digitizing Scanner Digital Camera Video Digitizer Digital Video Camera
Output : Monitor most familiar (VDT) diagonally in inches pixels, dpi, resolution colour depth : number of colours that can be displayed at one time video adaptor / video card VRAM
Output : Monitor Liquid Crystal Display Cathode Ray Tube
Output : Printers impact & non-impact dot matrix printers & line printers laser & ink jet & thermal resolution plotter multi-function devices..
Colours light & pigment are different Pigment : cyan, magenta, yellow & black Light : red, green, blue
Sound Output sound card – accept a microphone, play sound through speakers & headphones. all Macs & most PCs have on board sound. synthesized speech, music, & sounds.
Fax Machines / Fax Modems phone lines dots to create the image
Combined Devices some devices do both I/O. peripherals interface with the world.
Storage Secondary storage / memory magnetic, optical, solid state
Storage magnetic tapes magnetic disks hard disks optical disks solid state devices
Ports, Slots, Buses & Bays port : connect a device. Slot : place to insert a special piece of hardware. Bus : group of wires connecting bays, ports and slots to the CPU. Bay : open space in the box for a storage device.
Standard Ports serial port : one bit at a time, modem parallel Port : groups of bits, printer keyboard / mouse ports USB ports faster, generic, multiple devices, various standards
Special Ports on expansion cards video port for the monitor microphone, speaker, MIDI for attaching sound equipment network card adds a port to connect to the LAN