PROGRESS TO DATE Aberdeen Study Day; Paediatric Education; Glasgow University Graduate Course; On line Training.
PAEDIATRIC EDUCATION Teaching in A&E departments, community children’s nursing teams and staff from children’s wards throughout Scotland. Overview of the new referral guidelines for paediatric burns. Content covers pre transfer treatment including assessment, fluid resuscitation, pain management and wound care.
PAEDIATRIC EDUCATION (continued) How to treat minor burns that do not need transfer. Raise awareness of toxic shock syndrome in paediatric burns. Coming year teach in the Glasgow and Lanarkshire hospitals.
Division of Nursing & Health Care Graduate Certificate: Burns & Plastic Surgery Care for Adults and Paediatrics. Scoping exercise prior to instigating these courses; It is a multiprofessional course; Targeted at nurses, A.H.P.s and junior medical staff; Aimed at adults and paediatric staff. GRADUATE CERTIFICATE
The Graduate Certificate is equivalent to 60 degree level credits. Each course can be taken as a stand alone course equivalent to 20 degree level credits Each course is delivered over three days of face-to-face contact. GRADUATE CERTIFICATE (continued)
Course 1: Principals of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and Burn injury Care (20 credits). Course 2: Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: Adults & Paediatrics (20 credits). Course 3: Management of Adult & Paediatric Burn Injury (20 credits).
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE (continued) Will be offered at the University of Glasgow from Oct Contact Details: Joan McDowell, Senior Lecturer, Division of Nursing & Health Care,
ON LINE TRAINING Audit carried out on new medical graduates by S. Thomson. Concluded large differences between medical schools. Suggested online training beneficial
ONLINE TRAINING (continued) NES developed an online education toolkit; Develop this for burns; Available with Athens password; Training packages for junior medical staff, AHP’s and nursing staff.
COMING YEAR Scar study day – St Johns Hospital. Pressure Garment study day– Stirling. Psychosocial – liaising with Changing Faces in the South. Basic Burns Study day – Glasgow.
FUTURE DIRECTIONS? Should we be looking at prevention campaigns?