Community Service at Valdosta State University By: Anna Sirmons
When and Where: Relay for Life was held on the Front Lawn of VSU. It started Friday at 7 p.m. and ended Saturday at 7 a.m.
What is Relay for Life? Relay for Life is a fundraising event of the American Cancer Society, and is now held in many other countries. It is an overnight event designed to spread awareness of cancer prevention, treatments and cures, celebrate survivorship and raise money for research to find more cures for cancer.
How it was started Relay For Life was started in May 1985 in Tacoma, Washington. Dr. Gordy Klatt, a colorectal surgeon, spent 24 hours circling the track at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma. He raised $27,000 for cancer research. The scale of Relay is now enormous. In 2006, over three million people took part in more than 4,600 Relays in the USA alone. Over half a million cancer survivors walked the opening lap, a traditional part of all Relays, and over $375 million was raised, making it by far the biggest single fundraising activity in the world.
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Rock the Fight!
Our team got 2 nd Place!
We raffled off prizes Dvd PlayerFree Massage
Our Table Activities Guitar Hero Snow Cones Face Painting
The Team
Hard at Work
Activities at the Event Mechanical Bull Dunking Booth Inflated Obstacle Course
Classmates having fun
Why Community Service is good Helps build personal character Meet new people Help others Sense of pride
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