Writing the Scientific Paper Introduction Methods Results Discussion Abstract Title
Purpose of an Abstract To provide a faithful, clear and concise summary of the article
Importance of Abstract Important for 3 reasons –Allow busy readers to learn main points without reading the whole article –May persuade someone to read the whole article –Captured in computerized databases
Goals of Abstract Makes sense when read alone Conveys main results Shouldn’t contain anything not in paper Follows journal guidelines for structure and length
Structure of Abstract Refer to Instructions for Authors! Maternal and Child Health Journal 250 words Research Articles –Objectives –Methods –Results –Conclusions
Structure of Abstract Refer to Instructions for Authors! Maternal and Child Health Journal 250 words Practice/Field-Based Articles –Purpose –Description –Assessment –Conclusion
Match the Journal Context, objective, design, setting, participants, main outcome measures, results, conclusion Background, methods, results, conclusions Objective, methods, results, conclusions Background, methods, findings, interpretation Unstructured Pediatrics Lancet New England Journal of Medicine JAMA American Journal of Epidemiology
Editor’s Plea If I’m going to find a typo, it is going to be in the abstract –I suspect people write the abstract last (makes sense) PLEASE use full sentences PLEASE proofread – this is the window to your work and the reason people will read on or move on
Purpose of Title Captures reader’s attention Used to index article Represents article in reference lists Think about how your article will be found in search engines...
Structure of Title Types—declarative, questions, catchy Subtitles Independent variable, dependent variable, study population: Effect of x on y in z
Ethnic differences in the association between gestational diabetes and pregnancy outcome
Is effective contraception use conceived prenatally in Florida? The association between prenatal contraceptive counseling and postpartum conceptive use
Suicidal behavior differs among early and late adolescents treated with antidepressant agents
Gives away the conclusion of the study. Better: Suicidal behavior among early and late adolescents treated with antidepressants
Fasting might not be necessary before lipid screening: a nationally representative cross- sectional study
The title contains the implications of the study. Better: Relationship between length of fast and lipid screening levels in children
Parent involvement in pain management for NICU infants: a randomized controlled trial
Good use of subtitle
Use of models to identify cost-effective interventions: pertussis-vaccination for pediatric health care workers
Title tells little about study; main title is really subtitle. Better: Cost-effectiveness of pertussis vaccination for NICU workers