The first foundation stone was laid on the 12 of March 1913 and the site officially called Canberra for the first time. Canberra is thought to have come from the Aboriginal word Canberry. The stone was supposed to be the foundations for an 8m commencement column, but it was never built. Walter burly griffin won the competition for the design of Canberra in 1912 and they also named a lake in Canberra after him.
It was opened in 1941 and stands at the top of ANZAC Parade. The roll of Honour lists all the Australians who have died in war. Dawn service is held at the pool of reflections every ANZAC day. There is a museum and art gallery inside, there is also models of important battles. Pool of Reflections Roll of Honour ANZAC parade
It was opened by Queen Elizabeth II on the 9 th of May The Australian flag that flies over the building is big enough to easily cover a double- decker bus. It houses the two houses of parliament – Senate and House of Representatives. It has 4,500 rooms. It is built on a small hill behind old Parliament house.
0.m 195.2m It is on Black Mountain and can be seen from all over Canberra. It transmits all of Canberra’s TV and radio signals. There is a revolving restaurant in the tower. It was opened on the 15 th of May 1980.
CSIRO discovery has 18 different exhibits that demon- strait current CSIROs Research. They include a face recognition exhibit, a 3D touch sensitive computer plus lots more.
Questacon opened at Ainslie primary school on the 23rd of November Questacon was the first Interactive science center in Australia. It was developed by professor Mike Gore, a physics lecturer from the Australian National University. Questacons current building was Japans gift to Australia for the bicentenary.
Was designed by the government architect John Murdoch. It was opened by the duke of York on the 9 th of May It was too small to meet the needs of a modern government, so parliament moved to new parliament House on capital hill. Old parliament house is now a museum and gallery. New parliament house Old parliament house
HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA Was completed in It houses the highest courts in Australia. There are 7 judges who sit separately or together to decide important cases.
The Australian institute of sport is Australia's premiere sport training institute. The institute offers 38 sport programs in 29 sports, with a varying number of Scholarships offered annually to Australia's finest sportsmen and sportswomen
The coins we use are made at the Royal Australian Mint. They also make collector coins and medals. You can watch through a window to see how coins are made.
The national collection of art is housed here. There is an expensive collection of aboriginal art as well as many masterpieces from around the world. Apart from the permanent collection, the national gallery also has a major international exhibitions. These are sometimes called block-Busters because they are expensive to put on and attract large numbers of people
Japanese embassy Chinese embassy American embassy British embassy South African embassy Papua new guinea embassy Aboriginal embassy