Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson you will; Be aware of different types of training Understand the benefits of each type of training Understand how to overload your training session
The most important methods of training for physical fitness are, Continuous training Fartlek training Circuit Training Weight training Interval fitness training
Continuous Training Any exercises that ensures the heart rate is operating in your training zone. e.g Running, Swimming, Cycling Duration 20 – 30 minutes 3 or 4 sessions per week
Continuous Training Benefits Develops Cardio-respiratory endurance Develops Aerobic capacity Easy to plan Progressive Overload achieved by 1.exercising more often (increasing frequency) 2. exercising faster (increasing intensity) 3. training for longer (increasing duration)
Fartlek Training Continuous Running or Swimming with short sprint bursts followed by a slower recovery and then more continuous paced running or swimming.
Fartlek Training Benefits Develops aerobic fitness by continuous running and by short speed endurance sprints. Can be varied to suit your own requirements, can be adapted to the terrain (using short hills for speed endurance sprints during a longer aerobic run) Progressive overload achieved by exercising more often (frequency) by exercising faster (intensity) or by exercising for longer (duration)
Circuit Training Fixed circuit of set tasks or individual circuit based on individuals requirements. Multi-station circuit, specific or general exercises. Exercises alter between different major muscle groups. Planned circuit focusing on specific fitness development.
Circuit Training Benefits Develops both general and specific fitness Varied exercises to help stop boredom Easy to set targets Progressive overload achieved by increasing the amount of times circuit is completed, by increasing the time at each station. By doing more reps at each station
Weight Training Isotonic exercises in which you move the weight through the range of movement required. In a shoulder press you move from a short bent arm start to a fully straight arm to finish. Useful for developing dynamic strength.
Weight Training Isometric exercises in which you hold and resist against the weight. Isometric exercises are less common than Isotonic Useful on occasion for developing static strength e.g holding a press up close to the ground for a number of seconds, so resisting against your own body weight. Free-standing weights and weight machines can be used for both isotonic and isometric exercises
Weight Training Benefits Develops both general and specific muscles. Develops muscular endurance as well as strength and power. Straight forward to calculate for training e.g. 40% - 50% of maximum lift if working on sets and reps for muscular endurance. for strength then 80% of maximum lift is used. Progressive Overload achieved by increasing weight (intensity) or by increasing repetition (frequency)
Interval Fitness Training Any form of exercise that allows a work / rest interval. It is important that the exercise you do is not technically difficult. If they are then your technical limitations can make fitness improvement difficult.
Interval Fitness Training Benefits Enables high intensity to be undertaken with limited fatigue occurring. Develops both aerobic and anaerobic capacity Progressive Overload achieved by carrying out the programme more often (frequency). By working faster or by decreasing rest intervals (intensity) or by exercising for longer (duration)