WELCOME to 6 th Grade Curriculum Night We feel that we have had a wonderful start to middle school and have really enjoyed getting to know your child these past six weeks! We hope that we have made the transition to middle school a little less stressful for you as well!
CURRICULUM: CORE CURRICULUM GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDARDS (CCGPS) and GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDAEDS (GPS) Teachers use the CCGPS (Math and Language Arts) and GPS (Science and Social Studies) to guide their instruction in the classroom. You can find the 6 th grade standards at the following website:
LANGUAGE ARTS Concepts center around reading (literary/informational), writing, speaking and listening, and language. The focus for writing this year is informative, narratives, and argumentative.
LANGUAGE ARTS Semester Exam15% Assessments 65% (Projects, Unit Tests, Performance Tasks, Quizzes, Constructed Response Assessments) Practice20% (Class work, Homework, Notebook Checks, Written Reflections, Journal Entries, Critical Thinking Questions, Warm-Ups)
MATHEMATICS Concepts center around numbers and operations, measurement, integers, geometry, algebra, data analysis/probability, statistics, and problem solving. New standards place a greater emphasis on problem solving, reasoning, representations, connections, and communication.
MATHEMATICS The plan for Accelerated/Advanced math is to complete the 6 th grade curriculum in February 2013 and begin the 7 th grade curriculum at that time.
MATHEMATICS Semester Exam15% Assessments 65% Practice20%
EARTH SCIENCE Concepts focus around the study of geology, astronomy, meteorology, and oceanography. Students should have a new textbook at home that will stay there until the end of the year.
EARTH SCIENCE Semester Exam15% Assessments 65% (Projects, Unit Tests, Performance Tasks, Quizzes, Constructed Response Assessments) Practice 20% (Class work, Homework, Notebook Checks, Lab Work, Written Reflections, Journal Entries, Analysis Questions, Warm-Ups)
SOCIAL STUDIES Concepts focus on major world regions, including 4 strands- historical, geographical, political, and economic viewpoints with geography being the central strand. Regions studied are Latin America, Canada, Europe, and Australia.
SOCIAL STUDIES Semester Exam15% Assessments 65% Practice20%
HOMEWORK Homework is given as practice or reinforcement for what is learned in class; therefore, it is important that it is completed regularly and turned in on time the next day. Homework is not taken up early, so students should be able to “show” you their homework and “prove” to you that they have completed it. Please sign the agenda on the basis that you have “seen” your child’s homework. Even if your child does not have “written” homework, it does not mean that your child does not have homework. They should be studying and organizing a little each night. Plan ahead!
NEWSLETTER Team newsletters are sent through periodically updating you on important information and upcoming dates. Please check for team updates.
Infinite Campus is the online program used to check your child’s progress in each class. Please check often for any updates to grades. INFINITE CAMPUS
GRADING Grading is very different in middle school compared to elementary school. Please be aware that your child’s averages are cumulative. Grades do NOT start over every six weeks but accumulate over 18 weeks. Grading percentages can be found on each teacher’s syllabus. Everything counts!!!
DRESS CODE No attire shorter than 3 inches above the knee (including skirts, dresses, and shorts) with or without leggings or tights. No pants (including jeans) with any holes above the knee in the front or the back with or without material underneath. No tight pants like yoga, jeggings, or exercise pants. No low hanging pants that reveal underwear. No tops too revealing (no see through, low cut, spaghetti straps, or strapless tops). No inappropriate logos, language, or pictures displayed on clothing. No extreme hair styles or hair dye. No body piercing jewelry other than ears.
HELP RESOURCES Peer Tutoring will begin soon. Contact Mr. Ellis, the 6 th grade counselor, for more information. “The Graduation Coach (Mrs. Solsten- room 820) is also available before school and during lunch to help with any work.
CHECKING PROGRESS Infinite Campus (grade book) is updated periodically to show new graded assignments. Look in the notebooks and binders for graded assignments that have been filed away according to the table of contents. Teachers may use the agendas to write down information.
Schoolwide Behavior Plan PER TEACHER; PER SEMESTER… Citation #1: Warning, team consequence Citation #2: Two-way parent contact, silent lunch Citation #3: Phone Call, Behavior Reflection, Team Discipline Citation #4: Office Referral
Schoolwide Positive Behavior Initiative- Wolverine Day Pass Students will be rewarded each nine weeks based on the following criteria each term: Signed Progress Report—student returns progress report signed within 2 days No Missing Work—for academic team teachers No ISS or OSS/No more than 2 citations—for academic team teachers No ISS or OSS/No more than 1 citation—for connections teachers No Missing Work—for connections teachers Read 5000-students are reading a book to reach the school-wide goal of 5,000 books read by the end of the school year
1. AGENDA: Students should be writing all assignments down for each class period in the agenda. Students must use and have the agenda every day. Please check and sign your child’s agenda nightly. 2. SUPPLIES: Necessary supplies should be brought to class everyday and not left at home or in the locker. (Supply List: binders, notebooks, pencil, paper, notebook, agenda, art supplies, homework from night before) 3. HOMEWORK: Students should be completing homework when given and turning it in. 4. MAKE-UP WORK: It is the student’s responsibility to get the make up work when he/she has been absent. 5. BEHAVIOR: Appropriate behavior is expected at all times or citations will be given. After 4 citations within a given semester per teacher, students are referred to the office. Key Reminders for Success
Please feel free to contact any of us at any time through a note in the agenda, , or by phone call! COMMUNCIATION IS KEY!!
THANK YOU We just want to thank you for your continued support of the teachers and your child this year thus far. Again, we really appreciate you coming tonight!