Today’s Agenda… Bellringer: What are the three types of plate boundaries? Turn in open response question Notes on Mountain Building Activity
Review BrainPop on Plate Tectonics
Mountain Building Study Pack #5
What you need… Books on page 299 Paper (Study Pack #4) Pencil Clickers
Today’s Goals… I can explain how Earth’s mountains form and erode. I can compare types of mountains. I can identify the forces that shape Earth’s mountains.
What do you know? True or False There are four main types of mountains. Fault-block mountains create peaks and valleys. Appalachian mountains are upwarped mountains. Folded mountains are caused by compression forces. Some mountains are growing taller because of plate movement.
Mountains There are 4 main types: Fault-block Folded Upwarped Volcanic
Fault-Block Mountains Formed from tension forces Huge blocks of rock separate and move apart and downward Creates peaks and valleys Teton mountain range in Wyoming Page 300
Folded Mountains Formed from compression forces Rock layers buckle and fold Appalachian Mountains Page 301
Upwarped Mountains Form when forces inside Earth push up the crust Page 301
Volcanic Mountains Forms when lava flows onto Earth’s surface Lava builds up over time in the shape of a cone
Changes over time What causes mountains to change over time? Plates are still moving Himalayas Weathering and Erosion Appalachian Mountains
MiniLab Page 301 Modeling Mountains
What did you learn? True or False There are four main types of mountains. Fault-block mountains create peaks and valleys. Appalachian mountains are upwarped mountains. Folded mountains are caused by compression forces. Some mountains are growing taller because of plate movement.