Firebuy Website: Information Day Information Day
Firebuy Website: Background and Overview Products Vehicles Equipment Training Communications Respiratory protection Water rescue New dimensions Fire Protection Insurance PPE and clothing Services The Numbers Agenda
Firebuy Website: Background and Overview Background and Overview
Firebuy Website: Audit Commission reports critical of FRS procurement Cap Gemini appointed by (then) ODPM Recommended a step change through central focus National Procurement Strategy Firebuy launched April 2006 Established as an NDPB and a Company Limited by Guarantee Background
Firebuy Website: CEO Terry Brewer Fire Vehicles and Emergency Response Equipment Commercial Director Procurement Delivery Commercial Director LTCM Stakeholder Relationship Manager Acting LTCM Contract Manager Technical Advisor Administration Assistant Technical Director Compliance Manager ICP Contract Support Manager Long Term Contracts Acting Commercial Director Head of Corporate Services PA to the CEO/Corporate Services Manager Marketing and Communications Assistant LTCM Contract Management Analyst Technical Services Officer Technical Services Framework Manager Contracts Project Manager Procurement Delivery Manager Procurement Information Officer Framework Manager Technical Services Officer Updated 20/04/2010 Marketing and Communications Manager Management Accountant Corporate Services Assistant ENPROTEX Project Co-ordinator Organisation
Firebuy Website: No Mandate Frameworks - 18 Fire service specific procurements No management fee has been charged to date on certain contracts All fire authorities in England purchase from Firebuy MOD, Welsh and Northern Ireland fire services buy fairly extensively; Scotland – very little Other public sector users Background
Firebuy Website: Frameworks Frameworks
Firebuy Website: Vehicles Pumping appliances 4 year framework pumps ordered to date Turnover: nearly £114m Cashable efficiencies £1.6m, discounts £339K, VCA testing £572K = total savings £2.5m MOD taking delivery of 11 pumps Sellafield purchasing 2 pumps Work has commenced on replacement framework
Firebuy Website: Aerial appliances 4 year framework awarded June 08 Turnover:- £14m, savings £153K 15 FRAs procuring from framework 29 aerial appliances ordered to date Framework includes: Aerial Ladder Platforms (ALPs) Turntable ladders (TLs) Combined Aerial Rescue Pumps (CARPS) – formal launch of H&W and Cambridgeshire CARA at Emergency Services Show (24 th November) Vehicles
Firebuy Website: Specials Currently managing £5m of orders under legacy contract Pan Government Contract Firebuy lead supported by OGC. Awarded April 2010 Three Stage Framework- (Chassis/Cabs – Bodywork/Fitments – Conversion/Finishes) Several FRAs ordering vehicles London Borough has placed order Vehicles
Firebuy Website:
Firebuy Website: Hose: Suction/delivery hose Nozzles, ground monitors Pumps Road Traffic Collision Equipment: Hydraulic equip, air inflated units Electrical Generation Equipment: Generators, hand held power tools (including battery operated) Lighting and lighting stands Equipment
Firebuy Website: Working at Height Equipment Ladders, access platforms Positive Pressure Ventilation Thermal image cameras incl ‘snake eyes’ Equipment
Firebuy Website: Equipment Foam Includes: multiple suppliers multiple products environmentally friendlier and training foams Available to the MOD, CAA and Airport Operators etc
Firebuy Website: Training dummies Wide range: Water rescue, Bariatric, Multi trauma Smoke generators Various outputs for different training scenarios Temporary provision for large scale exercises including set up assistance Training
Firebuy Website: Hand held radios Renewed contract - 8 suppliers on framework Wide choice of options including: Analogue, Digital, BARIE Intrinsically safe, Submersible, Base stations, servicing and maintenance Communications
Firebuy Website: Breathing apparatus Framework agreement available Main manufacturers on framework Very good prices obtained – est. savings of £60K per FRA ‘Pen’ pictures of kit on web site All FRAs with RPE needs procuring through framework Telemetry Telemetry also available Trials information on web site Respiratory Protection Respiratory Protection
Firebuy Website: Compressors Range of models available – – Fixed – Portable – Servicing and maintenance options – Upgrade options Gas/chemical protection Expanded contract available Reusable and limited life gas tight suits Training suits Powered respirator suits Respiratory Protection
Firebuy Website: Taken forward with CFOA, DEFRA, MCA, etc: includes Personal protective equipment (PPE) and clothing Water rescue craft Equipment (e.g. mud/ice rescue, pumps) Training courses – e.g. swift water rescue, boat operator, flood management Lifejackets Onshore and offshore lifejackets Buoyancy aids Flotation devices Water Rescue Water Rescue
Firebuy Website: Major Incident equipment Contract for asset replacement and refresh equipment Covers: – USAR modules 1 to 5 equipment – Mass decontamination kit – Enhanced Command Support equipment New Dimensions
Firebuy Website: Smoke Alarms 1.7 million smoke alarms in 2009/10 through framework Products: Optical, Ionisation Hard wired Deaf and hard of hearing Innovation; Thermoptek alarm combining optical and ionisation Carbon Monoxide Detectors Range of CO Detectors also available Fire protection
Firebuy Website: Fire protection Fire Extinguishers Large range of all extinguisher types Servicing and maintenance Protective cabinets, stands and signage Hose reels, blankets and escape ladders Wide range of fire safety/fire warden, assessment and extinguisher courses available Work commenced on fire suppressions systems
Firebuy Website: Integrated Clothing Project Meets all clothing needs of Firefighters, PPE, station wear, corporate clothing, fitness wear Equalities and diversity integral part of project from beginning Lincoln FRS kit being rolled out MOD have signed for FMS Norfolk buying PPE now, station wear later, Gloucester signed Others (e.g. H&W, Staffs, Warks) close to signing PPE and Clothing
Firebuy Website: Current work Project TitleDescriptionProgress to dateContract start date Insurance Framework Procurement New framework to provide insurance services to both central and local government OJEU notice drafted to be advertised November June 2011 Re-tender of Self-contained Breathing Apparatus Framework Re-tender the existing framework which ends on 31 March Development of OJEU in progress to be advertised 1 November April 2011 Fire Safety Systems New framework to provide fire safety systems installation and servicing to both central and local government Service specification development with the Fire Industry Association nearing completion. OJEU to be advertised January TBA Fire Risk Assessments New framework to provide fire safety risk assessment services to both central and local government Awaiting Fire Industry competency framework completion to link to the service specification. OJEU to be advertised January TBA Pumping Appliances Re-tender the existing framework which ends on 31 March 2011 Tender returns being evaluated. The contract will be awarded in December December 2010 Emergency Response Equipment Framework Re-tender the existing framework which ends on 31 March 2012 Project scoping study underway.1 April 2012 Aerial Appliances Framework Re-tender the existing framework which ends in June 2012 Project scoping study underway.June 2012
Firebuy Website: Services and the numbers
Firebuy Website: We assist fire services by: Putting in place framework/contract arrangements Assisting to complete mini- competitions Assist with any problems experienced in delivery/after service We can also: Provide project management Services
Firebuy Website: Designed to be: customer focused customer focused easy to navigate easy to navigate provide information for Firebuy's customers and key stakeholders provide information for Firebuy's customers and key stakeholders But … cannot order directly from website. But … cannot order directly from website. Website
Firebuy Website: Turnover through frameworks By sector: 2008/ /10 Total English fire brigades £61m £57m £118m Other UK brigades £2m £5m £7m Other public sector £2m £6m £8m Totals £65m £68m £133m The Numbers
Firebuy Website: Framework Expenditure v Income 2006/072007/082008/092009/102010/11 Expenditure£172k£899k£988k£1,070k£946k Income£49k£122k£258k£610k£717k The Numbers
Firebuy Website: Questions?