Informational Books
Informational Books Defined Conveys information about the world Also excites the reader Create a vivid and believable world Understand and learn Helps to make more engaged readers Patterns of inquiry
Categories Concept books History Understanding people and culture Nature The arts Discovering how things work Activity, craft and how-to books Series books
Concept books Help to know physical, natural, and social world Information conveyed through illustration and visually represented
How They Work Expository style with description, chronological sequencing, explanation, comparison,definition with examples, and problem-solving Graphics play an important role Index, glossary, appendices Point of view?
Criteria for selecting Accuracy and authenticity Copyright date Distinction between know fact and theory Balanced presentation Organization Sequential, chronological, etc. Chapters, headings, subheadings General to specific or other way around
Format and design Attractive and appealing How large, size of font, length Quality of illustrations, photos, maps Writing style Generate interest and enthusiasm Spirit of inquiry Vocabulary Clarity and understanding
Biography Partial biography Complete biography Collective biographies Autobiography and memoirs Bio’s. of explorers of Earth & space Bio’s of social and political activists Bio’s of artists and authors Bio’s of people who perservered
How biographies work Author must create a main character that sts want to read about Must interpret facts and events, but be true to their research Students must be critical readers Portrait balanced, anything fictionalized, authentic dialog, is person believable
Criteria for selection Choice of subject Characterization Accuracy and authenticity Writing style
Awards Newberry and Caldecott medals Orbis Pictus (NCTE) Boston Globe-Horn Book - nonfiction Carter G. Wodson - NCSS for ethnic minorities and race relations