Genres and literature When you speak about genre and literature, genre means a category, or kind of story.
All categories of books or stories can be called either fiction or non-fiction. Fiction a made up story can tell about things that could happen is read for fun characters may be like real people or imaginary Non-Fiction has facts that can be checked and proven the author is an expert on this information it IS TRUE!
Realistic Fiction Realistic fiction is a story using made-up characters that could happen in real life.
Examples of Realistic Fiction Because of Winn Dixie Crash Owl Moon Shiloh Summer of the Swans Babysitter Club series
Historical Fiction Historical fiction is a fictional story that takes place in a particular time period in the past. Often the setting is real, but the characters are made up from the author’s imagination.
Examples of Historical Fiction A Boy at War Across Five Aprils Ben and Me The Butterfly Charlie Skedaddle Sign of the Beaver Titanic Crossing Dear America Series
Traditional Literature Traditional Literature: Stories that are passed down from one group to another in history. This includes folktales, lengends fables, fairy tales, tall tales, and myths from different cultures.
Examples of Traditional Literature Beauty and the Beast The Bunyans Cinderella John Henry The Talking Eggs The Tortoise and the Hare
Fantasy Fantasy is a story including elements that are impossible such as talking animals or magical powers. Make-believe is what this genre is all about.
Examples of Fantasy Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Charlotte’s Web The Wreck of the Zephyr Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe Lord of the Rings Harry Potter Series
Mystery Mysteries: A suspenseful story about a puzzling event that is not solved until the end of the story.
Examples of Mystery The House of Dies Drear Never Say Die The Treehouse Mystery Mystery of the Midnight Message Encyclopedia Brown Series Boxcar Children Mysteries
Science Fiction Science Fiction is a type of fantasy that uses science and technology (robots, time machines, etc…).
Examples of Science Fiction Aliens for Breakfast A Wrinkle in Time My Best Friend is Invisible Star Wars The Time Machine
Poetry Poetry is a verse written to create a response of thought and feeling from the reader. It often uses rhythm and rhyme to help convey its meaning.
Examples of Poetry Where the Sidewalk Ends New Kid on the Block Chocolate Dreams: Poems Mammalabilia A Pizza the Size of the Sun Love That Dog
Informational Informational: Texts that provide facts about a variety of topics (sports, animals, science, history, careers, travel, space, weather).
Examples of Informational Writing Dirt Bikes Flying Animals Danger! Earthquakes Newspapers Encyclopedias
Biography A biography is the true story of a real person’s life from the past or present.
Examples of Biography Tiger Woods: An American Master The HomerunKings: BabeRuth and Henry Aaron Clara Barton, a Red Cross Pioneer Sacagawea
Autobiography: The story of a real person’s life that is written by that person. Autobiography