CURRENT THEORY Plate tectonics -- Earth’s continental and oceanic crusts divided into plates Convection from inner Earth causes movement of plates//tectonic activity Earthquakes, mountain ranges, volcanic activity, ocean trenches, etc. Outcome: the geological landscape we know today
History Alfred Wagner -- 1912 -- theory of continental drift -- later developed into theory of plate tectonics Supercontinent Rodinia (~1 Ga) fragmented into smaller continents, then reassembled into… Supercontinent Pangaea (~300 - 225 Ma) fragmented into two smaller continents… Laurasia and Gondwana (~200 Ma) fragmented into… Current layout of continents on Earth
Proof Shapes of continents -- jig-saw puzzle Fossil comparison -- species similarity at distant continental boundaries Geo-sequences -- similar deposits at distant boundaries Paleomagnetism -- polar wandering paths Position of plate boundaries -- location of major seismic, volcanic, geothermal activity Mid-Ocean Ridges -- clear indicators of mantle convection (driving force of tectonics) Quantitative measurements of plate movement -- a few cm/yr
But where did the tectonic plates come from? Theory of plate tectonics implies a dynamic Earth through time -- future, present and past Why do we assume supercontinents were the beginning? Did they just appear out of thin air?
Cratons Cratons -- building blocks of continents, often found in interior of tectonic plates Very old stable basement rock which roots deep into the lithosphere -- older than oceanic lithosphere These cratons supposedly formed during the Archean At this time, the Earth was much hotter -- greater heat flow, less viscous mantle -- high turnover of oceanic crust Continental evolution -- many steps before Pangaea “The Early Earth and Plate Tectonics” --