Today we will subtract with decimals. subtract =take away Decimals=numbers less than zero
If you have $1.00 and you buy an ice cream for $0.50 you would have $0.50 left. You do this in your head all the time when you buy items at the store!
Subtract Subtract means take away from something. Example: 4-2= 4 or - =
Decimal A decimal is a number less than 1. For example $ $25.50
Importance Why you purchase something in the store, you always need to know if you received the correct change! It will help you on any tests that subtracting decimals is on! What would be other reasons to know how to add numbers with decimals?
Let’s try one! = To find the difference, rewrite numbers so that the decimal point lines up vertically. Subtract straight down! 711 Bring decimal straight down!.
Let’s try one! = To find the difference, rewrite numbers so that the decimal point lines up vertically. Subtract straight down! Bring decimal straight down!.
Let’s try one! = To find the difference, rewrite numbers so that the decimal point lines up vertically. Subtract straight down! Bring decimal straight down!. 7
1.To find the difference, rewrite numbers so that the decimal point lines up vertically. 2.Subtract straight down 3.Bring decimal straight down
1.To find the difference, rewrite numbers so that the decimal point lines up vertically. 2.Subtract straight down 3.Bring decimal straight down
1.To find the difference, rewrite numbers so that the decimal point lines up vertically. 2.Subtract straight down 3.Bring decimal straight down
Let’s review! What does subtract mean? Take away! What is a decimal? A number less than 1.