How In2Books Works 3 rd – 5 th grade students: Adult pen pal volunteers are fully screened with background checks and matched to students Students select and read books in 5 genres: Science, Biography, Social Studies, Fiction, Traditional Tales Engaged Adult pen pals read the same books Online letters are exchanged with pen pals increasing reading comprehension and communication skills Teachers are supported with lessons and resources for vocabulary, comprehension, and other literacy skills.
The Conversation: students and pen pals discuss the books they read in online letters
Teacher Place: a one stop shop for teaching strategies and tips Teacher Place Genre – 6 units – Getting Started, fiction, social studies, biography, traditional tales, science Genre characteristics and other elements, e.g., vocabulary Genre-related literacy strategies Units – 5 or 10 lesson curriculum units Content, literacy, genre, critical thinking Can be used as a unit or select specific activities and/or lessons Topics – 3 topics, e.g., fiction – bullies, family, pen pals 4-6 book choices on different reading levels
Student Place: providing support and tools to guide student thinking and writing Student Place Key vocabulary words in context Critical thinking questions Graphic organizers Pen pal letters Checklists Sample letters The site supports student writing through an online writing center that includes: Student Place
Pen Pal Place: aligns with classroom curriculum Pen Pal Place Home Page – Provides specific directions and topic related websites, vocabulary, genre study, etc. How to Pages – A step-by-step approach to support the development of literacy skills Writing Center – Everything a pen pal needs to write good letters: Sample letters Key vocabulary words Thinking questions Letter checklist Student’s letter Pen Pal Place The site has explicit resources to help pen pals learn how to be a pen pal and support student learning:
How do we know In2Books makes a difference? 11 years of implementation in classrooms In2Books students scored significantly higher on standardized reading tests than their peers in the same district who did not use the program (Phi Delta Kappan, March 2007) 9 out of 10 teachers report that In2Books positively impact their students’ achievement. (Reading Teacher, May 2007)
In2Books can help… Improve reading, writing and thinking skills Improve communication and computer skills Increase achievement on standardized tests Increase digital literacy Help students learn about the world outside their classroom
Alignment with Your Curriculum In2Books Units: Fiction and Traditional Tales English/Language Arts/Reading SCCPSS Curriculum 3 rd Grade -Units 1, 3, 5, and 6 4 th and 5 th Grade -Units 1, 3, 5 and 6 In2Books Unit: Science English/Language Arts/Reading SCCPSS Curriculum Grades 3-5 -Units 2, 4, and 6 Science SCCPSS Curriculum Grade 3: -Units 4 and 7 Grade 4: -Units 1 and 3 Grade 5: -Unit 6 In2Books Units: Social Studies and Biography English/Language Arts/Reading SCCPSS Curriculum Grades 3-5 -Units 2, 4, and 6 Social Studies SCCPSS Curriculum Grade 3: -Units 2, 3, 4, and 5 Grade 4: -Units 4 and 6 Grade 5 -Use any of the biographies related to US History to correlate with your curriculum (Savannah School District Example)
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