distribution The Northwestern Coniferous Forest is located in the Pacific northwest of America. It ranges from the coast of northern California to the southern coast of Alaska.
Biotic Factors Plant life: Ample water and nutrients support lush, dense plant growth. Trees here are among the world’s tallest. Animal life: Camouflage helps insects and ground-dwelling mammals avoid predation.
Abiotic Factors ·Heat regulation : Because of the dark coloration of the coniferous trees, the small amounts of sunlight are easily absorbed and that causes easy heat regulation. ·biomes acidic soils : this is formed by the rainfall dissolving sediments below the soil, this causes the acidity of the soil. Soil Biome
Climate The climate of the northwestern coniferous forest is harshly cold in the winter and is warm in the summer. Although it's warm in the summer it's still cool all year round.
Precipitation The mild rainning place, but it's hardly ever to meet a heavy rain.It's usually wet and mild, and the temperature will change a lot since morning to the evening, about 10 ℃.Actually,it will be pretty comfortable to live there, in this kind of forest, there are many high pinetrees , you can easily find this kind of forest with mountains surroundings
Actually,the reason of limiting plants growth are ·cold temperation ·high winds ·short growth reason ·humus-poor ·freezing and thawig
Factors · Abiotic factors -Strong wind; -Low precipitation; -Short and soggy summer; -Long dark cold winters; -permaforst
The plant life in the thndra Mosses and other plants are low- growing to avoid damage from frequent strong winds. Biotic Factors
Many animals migrate to avoid long harsh winters. Animals that live in the tundra year- round have adaptations such as natural antifreeze to limit heat loss. The animals in the tundra