Welcome to the Library Have you been caught reading?
Today you will Take a tour of the library & its organization Learn: How to Find a book How to checkout a book & return a book Library expectations, policies, & RULES
Lets take a TOUR of the Library.
This is the REFERENCE section
This is the Non Fiction section
This is the FICTION section.
This is where you would find the… Spanish Books (400’s) Picture Books & Graphic Novels (800’s) Eyewitness Books & Career Books New Arrivals
And… Series Books Biographies Reading Couches make Suggestions
And Games & Puzzles
FYI Anonymous Box Compliment Bucket Videos Book Fairs
Remember… Computers are for school research. from teachers. Doing class assignments. They are NOT for… Surfing the WEB. Playing games. Sending “prank” s ETC….
sign So Be Warned! You sign the Acceptable Use Policy EVERY time you logon to a school computer! (You can not use the computers unless you have) And it is enforced!
Acceptable Use Policy Use the computer appropriately ! Do your own work and cite sources. at homeUse computers for educational use only (play games, view videos, “surf” on the internet at home ).
Computer 411 You must have your school ID card to use a computer. Be aware that anything you are seeing– I CAN SEE YOU looking at it also!Be aware that anything you are seeing– I CAN SEE YOU looking at it also! If you are looking at anything inappropriate, your computer will be frozen and a tech will be alerted to your activitiesIf you are looking at anything inappropriate, your computer will be frozen and a tech will be alerted to your activities A breach in the AUP will get you kicked off the computers for the YEAR!A breach in the AUP will get you kicked off the computers for the YEAR!
Computer Information Only one person is assigned to each computer. Only one person is assigned to each computer. A Library pass or a note is required for computer use during class time without your teacher. NO HALL PASSES ACCEPTED. A Library pass or a note is required for computer use during class time without your teacher. NO HALL PASSES ACCEPTED. Your School ID is required for computer use. Your School ID is required for computer use.
Technology Rules: #1 rule: Remember you are in the LIBRARY –Be RESPECTFUL of others! (so keep noise level down- others are trying to READ!!!) So be responsible You may use your own tech devises– ie: E-readers, tablets, laptops, … (remember the AUP is still enforced and you can be asked to put it away!) So be responsible E-readers-- Kindles are available for checkout after you & parent sign form– restrictions apply.
Library Hours: 7:15 AM to 3:00 PM “Late Starts” –9:00AM Closed for meetings and scheduled classes. May checkout books Before & After School, LUNCH, In-between classes and During class IF you have a Library Pass from your teacher – A Hall Pass will NOT work– I need to know that your teacher KNOWS that you are here.
Book Checkout Books checkout-- for 3 weeks Late fine is $.10 a school day Damage fines start at $1.00 Reference books can NOT be checked out Please remember: when you check out a book– you are signing that you will take good care of the book or you will have a fine for it.
Checkout policy Have student ID card. Have no overdue books Have no fines (Fines MUST be taken care of by end of Each term)
Checking out a book Fill out form with Date Name Title of Book Barcode Number. (yes you MUST fill out the form) (Please PRINT NEATLY !!! I need to be able to READ IT)
Checking out a book Have your Student ID card ready for scanning. (yes you must have ID to checkout. This is a school rule.) Hand the your card and Book(s) to the Librarian or library aide Fill out the form– NEATLY You will be given a due date and you book & ID back when you are done! Make sure you have a return date YOU are responsible to return books on time or you will be fined. Please : Make sure you have a return date YOU are responsible to return books on time or you will be fined.
Checkout rules: remember Books are checked out for 3 weeks Books are checked out for 3 weeks They can be renewed anytime before the due date (if no one has a hold on the book) They can be renewed anytime before the due date (if no one has a hold on the book) Overdue books are assessed a $.10 fine per day. Overdue books are assessed a $.10 fine per day. Any damage to book will be assessed when returned. $1.00 minimum! Any damage to book will be assessed when returned. $1.00 minimum!
Damage– defined Please treat books with care—any damage done to the book is your responsibility. Broken bindings, bent pages (no dog ears!) torn pages, writing/pen marks, Dog chewed, water damage, damaged cover, etc…….. Broken bindings, bent pages (no dog ears!) torn pages, writing/pen marks, Dog chewed, water damage, damaged cover, etc……..
Check-in Books Books need to be returned before their due date or fines will given. Books need to be returned before their due date or fines will given. Books can be returned to the drop off boxes on either side of library doors or handed to librarian Books can be returned to the drop off boxes on either side of library doors or handed to librarian Books can be if there are no requests on them. Books can be renewed if there are no requests on them.
What can a student do if he/she can’t find a book? Check the electronic catalog Check the electronic catalog Check the Library Blog Check the Library Blog Ask the library staff Ask the library staff Ask a friend Ask a friend Ask a teacher Ask a teacher Make a suggestion for a new Book Make a suggestion for a new Book Everyone is willing to help students find the materials they are looking for.
Library Blogs: there are 2 library blogs this blog contains Library information/ what is going on in the library, research info, and any websites for teachers projects in the library this blog contains Library information/ what is going on in the library, research info, and any websites for teachers projects in the library This blog is Student maintained. IF you have a review you would like to add, just it to me! It contains reviews on books, series’, authors, websites, technology, book trailers, podcasts, Vocabulary/ study helps This blog is Student maintained. IF you have a review you would like to add, just it to me! It contains reviews on books, series’, authors, websites, technology, book trailers, podcasts, Vocabulary/ study helps...
The library is for everyone’s use. Be Respectful, Be Responsible --to those around you and --to the materials found in the library and We can all have a great library experience!
Just remember to… READ!!!!!!
How do I locate materials in the Library Media Center?
Library Map
What is a call number? A call number is like the address of a book. It tells you where the book is located. A call number is like the address of a book. It tells you where the book is located. FIC BIOREF FIC BIOREF SAC AMB LIN700 SAC AMB LIN700 These are found on the spine of the book. They are call spine labels.
There are 6 main call numbers: FICfor FICTION REFfor Reference Biofor Biography Efor Picture/Easy readers Sfor SERIES books Non-Fiction Eyewitness & Career books Graphic Novels
Fiction Books: Fiction books are Novels. Books that tell a story. The story may be made up, or based on real events.
The first line of the fiction call number is FIC. The second line is the first three letters of the author’s last name. FICBRO
If you were looking for a fiction book by J.R.R. Tolkien, the call number would be: FICTOL
Fiction books are located on the shelves along the wall of the library.
Fiction Books Are arranged Alphabetically by the AUTHOR’s Last Name. Are arranged Alphabetically by the AUTHOR’s Last Name. Last name, first name, then by the title of the book– if several books by the same author are on the shelf. Last name, first name, then by the title of the book– if several books by the same author are on the shelf.
NON FICTION BOOKS Generally speaking, non fiction books are informational books that give facts and are true.
Non-Fiction Books are in the Center Section of the library These shelves are in numerical order from 000 to 999, using the Dewey decimal system. These shelves are in numerical order from 000 to 999, using the Dewey decimal system.
The first line of the non fiction call numbers is the Dewey Decimal number. The second line is the first three letters of the author’s last name. (but many of the call numbers only have the Dewey number) 156 COV
If you were looking for a poetry book by Shel Silverstein the call number would be: 811SIL
Biography “BIO” Biographies are located at the end of the Non-Fiction Shelves. Biographies are located at the end of the Non-Fiction Shelves. Biographies are alphabetized by WHO the book is about. Biographies are alphabetized by WHO the book is about. SO… all the Lincoln’s will be together, all the Kennedy’s will be together…. And so forth SO… all the Lincoln’s will be together, all the Kennedy’s will be together…. And so forth For a collection of Biographies – look in the 920’s of the Dewey Decimal system. For a collection of Biographies – look in the 920’s of the Dewey Decimal system.
Biography The first line of the biography call numbers is BIO. The second line is the first three letters of the last name of the person the book is about. BIO The first line of the biography call numbers is BIO. The second line is the first three letters of the last name of the person the book is about. BIOKEN
Reference Reference books are non-fiction books classified by Dewey Decimal numbers. They must be used in the library media center.
Reference books include: Periodicals and yearbooks Almanacs Atlases Encyclopedias, dictionaries, and technical books
Periodicals Periodicals include: Newspapers Magazines
Newspapers & Magazines Today’s newspapers are located in the magazine rack next to the circulation desk. These news papers are to READ ONLY. Current Magazines are in the Rack also. Newspapers & Magazines are for in-library use only.
Almanacs Almanacs contain a wide variety of information about the world covering subjects such as health, sports, government, etc. Use the index to be the most effective almanac user.
Atlases Atlases are books of maps. Atlases may include world, country, state, or historic atlases. Find atlases in the Reference section along the wall.
Encyclopedias Encyclopedias contain large amounts of information and generally arranged alphabetically by topic. Encyclopedias contain large amounts of information and generally arranged alphabetically by topic. Types of encyclopedias include general, subject matter, and biographical encyclopedias. Types of encyclopedias include general, subject matter, and biographical encyclopedias. The encyclopedias are located on the far wall next to the general reference books. The encyclopedias are located on the far wall next to the general reference books.