Culturally accepted Green Architecture Toolbox Usama El fiky Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning Eindhoven University of Technology The Netherlands July 5, 2006 Hezee
Culturally Accepted Green Architecture Toolbox Green Toolbox Culturally accepted green toolbox [text version] Final Verification II [Architects] Culturally accepted green toolbox [Software] Verification I [students] Introduction Conclusion The Green Architecture Design Strategies Toolbox ‘GADS’ is a pre-design tool. It contains the green design strategies organized properly in order to be used by architects and urban designers as a pre-design tool. 1. Urban 1.1 Urban fabric 1.2 Land use 1.3 public landscape 1.4 Street design 1.5 Open space design 1.6 Transportation and accessibility 1.7 Infrastructure 2. Architecture 2.1 Site selection 2.2 Form, zoning and orientation 2.3 Building envelop 2.4 Construction systems 2.5 Building materials 2.6 Building facilities and installation 2.7 private landscape
Culturally Accepted Green Architecture Toolbox Green Toolbox Culturally accepted green toolbox [text version] Final Verification II [Architects] Culturally accepted green toolbox [Software] Verification I [students] Introduction Conclusion Rating systems EcoHomes LEED Built Green Toshka Guidlines and cosederation for green designing in Toshka World examples Civano: Tucson’s Solar Village, Findhorn ECO Village Egyptian Examples New Gourna village Green architecture village Farafra Oasis New Gourna
Culturally Accepted Green Architecture Toolbox Green Toolbox Culturally accepted green toolbox [text version] Final Verification II [Architects] Culturally accepted green toolbox [Software] Verification I [students] Introduction Conclusion Questionnaire I Aske questions about currently used and traditional building practices in Egypt elaborat the toolbox [ addition of traditional and currently used green design strategies Questionnaire II Intruduce the green design strategies for non-profesional people in Egypt to see how much they are accepted and why. Building Cultural indicator Building cultural acceptance The survey was to figure out the influence of building culture on architecture performance through out direct questionnaire of non-profesional people in Egypt. Strongly accept Accept Somewhat accept Somewhat unaccepted Unaccepted Strongly unaccepted Compactness - 33 Points Mixed land use + 34 Points Inward design + 74 Points Underground buildings - 1 Points Dome for ceiling + 24 Points
Culturally Accepted Green Architecture Toolbox Green Toolbox Culturally accepted green toolbox [text version] Final Verification II [Architects] Culturally accepted green toolbox [Software] Verification I [students] Introduction Conclusion Dutch students Egyptian students The refinements
Culturally Accepted Green Architecture Toolbox Green Toolbox Culturally accepted green toolbox [text version] Final Verification II [Architects] Culturally accepted green toolbox [Software] Verification I [students] Introduction Conclusion The refinements Addition of new items The method of showing the culture indicator Use the items that constrain each other Showing the total culture indicator and green certificate Different green values (points) have to be given to each design strategy The software version is important
Culturally Accepted Green Architecture Toolbox Green Toolbox Culturally accepted green toolbox [text version] Final Verification II [Architects] Culturally accepted green toolbox [Software] Verification I [students] Introduction Conclusion
Culturally Accepted Green Architecture Toolbox Green Toolbox Culturally accepted green toolbox [text version] Final Verification II [Architects] Culturally accepted green toolbox [Software] Verification I [students] Introduction Conclusion Professional architects Dutch Egyptian architects utlize the software throghout the design process in Toshka region The refinements growth of green points that are given in a graphic indicator Showing the percentage of use Create Graphical navigation system In each level, show what you have already selected Add real examples for each green design strategy
Culturally Accepted Green Architecture Toolbox Green Toolbox Culturally accepted green toolbox [text version] Final Verification II [Architects] Culturally accepted green toolbox [Software] Verification I [students] Introduction Conclusion Two kinds of refinements are needed to elaborate the toolbox. The first is about the toolbox contents and the second is about the toolbox techniques. Some of the refinements already are developed and others are planned to be developed as future work of the research. Run the toolbox software
Culturally Accepted Green Architecture Toolbox Green Toolbox Culturally accepted green toolbox [text version] Final Verification II [Architects] Culturally accepted green toolbox [Software] Verification I [students] Introduction Conclusion 1 - With this culturally accepted green toolbox GADS, a minimum level of applying green architecture principles in Egypt is insured. Particularly in Toshka Region south west desert of Egypt. 2 - Non-professionals have a good resource for the knowledge which could be of great help to the professional if it is handled properly. 3 – GADS toolbox could be applied for different regions with different cultural background. 4 - A big gap between theoretical knowledge and application exists in the field of architectural education. The Toolbox presents a learning leader, to overcome this gap 5 - Some of the refinements generated by the professional architects have to be analyzed to enrich the toolbox design and to be easily used. 6 - periodically GADS toolbox software needs to be updated regarding both the building cultural indicator and possible new green design strategies.
Culturally Accepted Green Architecture Toolbox Thank you and welcome for any questions