1 Pollutants in air, soil, and living organisms Eiliv Steinnes Department of Chemistry Norwegian University of Science and Technology NO-7491 Trondheim.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Pollutants in air, soil, and living organisms Eiliv Steinnes Department of Chemistry Norwegian University of Science and Technology NO-7491 Trondheim e-LUP ”kick-off” seminar, Helsinki, February 5, 2006

2 Pollutants of concern to forest ecosystems: Aggressive gases (SO 2, NO x, O 3, fluoride, etc.) Acidifying substances (SO 2 /sulfate, NO x /nitrate, NH 4 +, etc.) Toxic metals (grouped according to volatility) A. Hg B. Pb, Zn, Cd, As, Mo, V, - - C. Cu, Ni, Co, Ba, Cr, - - Persistent organic pollutants A. Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) B. Polychlorinated compounds: PCB, DDT/DDE, HCB, HCH (lindane), - - C. Polybrominated compounds: PBB, PBDE, - - Influence on local - regional - continental scale


4 Distribution of Cu and Ni around the Nikel/Zapolyarny smelters, Kola (M. Äyräs et al., Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 98 (1997) 361)

5 The Monchegorsk copper-nickel smelter, NW Russia Among the largest sources of SO 2 and heavy metal emissions on a world-wide scale: SO 2 : tonnes/year Cu: 934 tonnes/year Ni: 1619 tonnes/year Co: 82 tonnes/year

6 Effects of air pollutants from copper-nickel smelters on coniferous forest ecosystems: Direct effects of sulphur dioxide on the forest canopy Toxic effects by heavy metals on soil microflora and sensitive plant species Indirect effects of acidic deposition via soil acidification Indirect effects of heavy metals by cation exchange displacement of nutrients

7 Cu and Ni in forest soil at different distances from Monchegorsk (Data from EPORA project)

8 Data from EPORA project

9 Influence of pollutants from the Monchegorsk smelter on base cations in understorey plants. Data from EPORA project.




13 NILU bulk deposition sampler (Norwegian institute for air research)


15 Heavy metal deposition surveys in Norway based on moss analysis: sampling network


17 Trace elements in precipitation : Station network T. Berg et al., Atmos. Environ. 28(1994)

18 Calibration of concentration in moss against bulk deposition

19 Most natural soils in Norway are podzols:

20 Nationwide surveys in Norway of trace elements in natural surface soils (Nitric-acid soluble fractions) 1977: 500 sites O-horizon, 2-5 cm Cu, Zn, As, Se, Cd, Sb, Pb, AAS/NAA

21 Nationwide soil survey 1977: Sampling network

22 Pb concentration in O-horizon samples from the 1977 survey (µg/g]

23 Heavy metal concentrations in natural surface soil: 1977 sampling (  g/g)

soil survey: Regional mean values

25 Nationwide surveys in Norway of trace elements in natural surface soils (Nitric-acid soluble fractions) 1985: 400 sites O-horizon, 2-5 cm B-horizon, ca. 20 cm C-horizon, ca. 60 cm 29 elements, ICP-OES (NGU Report )

26 Pb in natural soil in Norway 1985

27 Comparison of mean values of selected metals in coniferous forest plant species in southern and central Norway

28 PCB distribution in surface soil as a function of latitude S. Meijer et al., Environ. Sci.&Technol. 36 (2002) 2146

29 PCB congeners as a function of soil organic matter S. Meijer et al., Environ. Sci. & Technol. 36 (2002) 2146

30 PBDE (brominated flame retardants) congeners in surface soil A. Hassanin et al., Environ. Sci. & Technol. 38 (2004) 738

31 Nationwide surveys in Norway of trace elements in natural surface soils (Nitric-acid soluble fractions) 1995: 460 sites O-horizon, 0-3 cm 32 elements, ICP-MS

32 Concentrations of Mn, Sr, and Ba in 1995 surface soils (µg/g)

33 Concentrations of As, Sb, and Pb in 1995 surface soils (µg/g)

34 Soil 1995: Factor analysis, all samples

35 Factor analysis after excluding samples with >30% ash and samples near Zn smelter.

36 Classification of minor and trace elements in natural surface soils according to sources: Mainly with natural mineral component: Li, Be, Ti, V, Cr, Ge, Zr, REE, Hf Reflecting local geocemistry but surface enriched through ”plant pumping”: Mn, Zn, Rb, Cs, Ba Mainly derived from atmospheric supply of marine salts: Sr, B, Cl, Br, I Depleted in coastal areas due to replacement with marine cations: Mn, Ga, Rb, Ag, Ba Supplied by long-range transport of pollutants: Zn, Ge, As, Mo, Cd, Sb,Tl, Pb,Bi Markedly affected by local sources of air pollution: Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd