eHealth tools for the optimisation of care for patients with mental disorders Hans Kordy Center for Psychotherapy Research, University of Heidelberg 3rd Ministerial European eHealth Conference and Exhibition, Tromsoe, Norway, 2005
eHealth at the Centre for Psychotherapy Research „Internet-Bridge“: maintenance group setting (Valiollah Golkaramnay, Dipl.-Psych., Severin Haug, Dipl.-Psych.) „ Bridge“: maintenance individual setting (Markus Wolf, Dipl.- Psych.) „Relapse prevention through SMS-Monitoring“ (Stephanie Bauer, PhD) „Web-AKQUASI“: quality management & outcome monitoring (Robert Percevic, PhD, Christine Gallas, Dipl.-Psych.)
Project “Internet-Bridge” A collaborative enterprise of various stakeholders: -Research: Forschungsstelle für Psychotherapie -Clinical Provider: Panorama-Klinik Scheidegg/Allgäu -Insurance/Payer: Techniker Krankenkasse
Project „Internet-Bridge“ - Background - benefit substantially from inpatient care - are at high risk to lose achieved gains - wish to continue treatment - are recommended to do so - but, current service conditions make this difficult. Patients with mental disorders Need for step-down maintenance programmes
- Maintenance approach / relapse prevention - Group therapy in an Internet chat-room - Outcome monitoring Project „Internet Bridge“ Strategy
Project „Internet Bridge“ Clinical concept - group setting - 8–10 participants (disorder unspecific) - open groups - programme duration: weekly sessions - session duration: 90 min. - groups are guided by experienced group therapists
Project „Internet Bridge“- Connecting people Participants Hospital / Therapists Center for PT Research / Server
Project „Internet Bridge“ Technical background - Server - Software - Technical administration and support - Homepage - Training of therapists and patients
Project „Internet Bridge“ Security and confidentiality - Chat-room: password-protected - Online questionnaires: password-protected - Passwords: changing regularly - Communication: pseudonyms - Data transfer: encoded (SSL) - Server: firewall
Project „Internet Bridge “ Continuous monitoring - Software: Web-Akquasi - Pre-session questionnaires (current impairment / symptoms) - Post-session questionnaires (session evaluation items / satisfaction)
Project „Internet Bridge“ Psychological distress Physical impairment Interpersonal impairment Social impairment Coping Resources General life satisfaction ScaleStateChangeLast Change AKQUASI - Outcome Monitoring continue therapy (predominantly improvements) Continuous monitoring - Software: Web-Akquasi - Feedback on symptom status and change
Legal aspects Principle: avoid negligence! -data protection and privacy -professional standards / code of professional conduct -liability law -criminal law
Emergency measures -face-to-face diagnosis at beginning -Hospital emergency service (24 hours) -Therapist’s telephone – 90 min after session -Check of health/mood status at logout -Local emergency contact (e.g. primary carer)
Aims - Feasibility & Reliability - Acceptance - Effectiveness Project „Internet Bridge “ – The Study
Design Project „Internet Bridge“ inpatient treatment weekly chat sessions admission discharge 12-months follow-up Chat group Control group 6-months follow-up 12-months follow-up 6-months follow-up inpatient treatment
Sample Project „Internet Bridge“ - inpatient treatment - stability at discharge from hospital - internet access - experienced group therapists:. familiar with specific problems of the patients. familiar with PC and chat - treatment group:N = 117 patients - control group:N = 117 patients
Sample - diagnosis Project „Internet Bridge“ – Study design
Acceptance Project „Internet Bridge“ – Study results -Interest for the offer80% -Drop-out rate 13% -Session attendance87% -Satisfaction with sessions 90% - Satisfaction with programme 85%
Evaluation of the setting Project „Internet Bridge“ – Study results - Session duration74% - Weekly sessions80% - Programme duration 55% - Importance of the therapist 80% - Importance of anonymity 38% - Willingness to pay (privately) 51%
Effectiveness – main criterion: stability of therapeutic gains Project „Internet Bridge“ – Study results discharge 6 months fu 12 months fu
Effectiveness – Psychological distress (SCL-90-R) Project „Internet Bridge“ – Study results
Effectiveness – Physical impairment (GBB) Project „Internet Bridge“ – Study results
Chat-groups.... Project „Internet Bridge“ - Conclusions....proved technically feasible....are well accepted by patients....promise effective relapse prevention
E-Health tools such as internet chat-groups contribute to the optimisation of care through.... eHealth - Outlook....facilitating access (bridges geografical and psychosocial distances)....extending the reach of specialists....increasing the flexibility of care and carers....improving the match between patients needs and provided care
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