THINQ LMS 5 Skills & Competency October 29, 2003 © Copyright 2002 by THINQ Learning Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. Revision A
Hamlet’s Dilemma To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? Hamlet; Act 3, Scene 1
The Competency Dilemma To Skill or not to Skill: That is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler to suffer the inadequacies of ad hoc learning, or to take arms against a sea of learning interventions, jobs & skills and by decisive action build competency? (With apologies to Will Shakespeare)
The Competency Dilemma How can you move from ad hoc to competency-based learning with THINQ and PeopleView
Why Performance & Competency Management? Aligns Organizational & Contributor Performance to Corporate Mission, Vision & Core Competencies Improves an Organization’s Ability to Develop, Maintain and Track Competency Information Supports Recruitment, Performance Management, Career Development and Compensation Management Facilitates Development of Competency Centers to Leverage Scarce or Expensive Human Resources
When Performance & Competency Management?
A Systematic Framework No formal consistent process Consistent, basic approach to learning management Consistent, comprehensive approach Institutionalized and integrated into business planning The Learning Management Maturity Model TM Learning and performance- centered organization Ad hoc (I) Managed Learning (II) Competency-driven (III) Integrated Performance (IV) Optimized Workforce (V)
Key Considerations How important is Skills & Competency Management to your enterprise? What is the impact if you don’t address this issue? Where should this capability reside? HRMS LMS Competency Management System Are there other approaches to solving the competency problem? What do you look for in a competency management solution?
Anticipatory delivery Wisdom Extended enterprise model Performance support Advanced profiling & predictive technologies Networked Net worth Re-invented Rapid reconfiguration Return on assets Shareholder value Context-adapted Knowledge Performance management Goal management Knowledge management Interoperable ROI correlations Strategic Connected processes Alignment of strategy & execution Competitiveness Universal, assumed interoperability Information Competency modeling LCMS / CMS Blended learning 360° assessment Integrated Qualitative Prescriptive (push) Learning culture Achievement of business results Proficiency Simple, standards- based integration Data Enterprise LMS E-Learning Custom, standards- based content Compliance & certification mgmt Packaged Quantitative Planned (pull) Consolidated operations Change readiness Cost avoidance No connectivity Data Spreadsheets Dept LMS(s) COTS content Automated Predictable costs & rates Reactive Independent departments Risk reduction Visibility & Control Content Agenda Decision Support Dimension Primary Tools & Technologies IT Focus Key Metric Learning Process Organizational Focus Driving Goal Business Pain STAGE V: Optimized Workforce STAGE IV: Integrated Performance STAGE III: Competency- driven STAGE II: Managed Process STAGE I: Ad Hoc 9 DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS LM3™: Learning Management Maturity Model Summary
Ad hoc (I) Managed Learning (II) Competency-driven (III) Integrated Performance (IV) Optimized Workforce (V) Key Not Happening Partially Engaged Fully Engaged Consider the Learning and Performance Optimization Continuum
Key Not Happening Partially Engaged Fully Engaged Corporate Strategy & Key Business Objectives Staff Customer Distributors/ suppliers Partners Citizens / constituents Extra-Enterprise Integrations w/ ERP, HRIS, Portals, other Legacy Data Stores Content Mgmt Authoring tools COTS providers Third party developers LCMS & CMS & DMS Services Knowledge Mgmt Repository mgmt Workflows Electronic performance support systems Advanced search- and- navigation Collaboration Virtual classrooms Blended learning Mentoring Discussions & chat Online Meetings Communities of Practice Program Strategy & Design (Services) LMS Catalog admin. Event scheduling Compliance mgmt Job development Resource mgmt Skills & competency enablement Change Leadership (Services) Testing & Assessment Kirkpatrick evals Pre- & post-testing Job & Job skills testing 360 ° feedback Performance Mgmt Goal mgmt Performance evals Talent mgmt Succession planning Competency Mgmt Skills libraries Competency maps Development plans Analysis ervices Organisation & staff development planning Stage III: Competency-driven
Stage IV: Integrated Key Not Happening Partially Engaged Fully Engaged Staff Customer Distributors/ suppliers Partners Citizens / constituents Extra-Enterprise Integrations w/ ERP, HRIS, Portals, other Legacy Data Stores Corporate Strategy & Key Business Objectives Content Mgmt Authoring tools COTS providers Third party developers LCMS & CMS & DMS Services Knowledge Mgmt Repository mgmt Workflows Electronic performance support systems Advanced search- and- navigation Collaboration Virtual classrooms Blended learning Mentoring Discussions & chat Online Meetings Communities of Practice Program Strategy & Design (Services) LMS Catalog admin. Event scheduling Compliance mgmt Job development Resource mgmt Skills & competency enablement Change Leadership (Services) Testing & Assessment Kirkpatrick evals Pre- & post-testing Job & Job skills testing 360 ° feedback Performance Mgmt Goal mgmt Performance evals Talent mgmt Succession planning Competency Mgmt Skills libraries Competency maps Development plans Analysis services Organisation & staff development planning Stage IV: Integrated
Key Not Happening Partially Engaged Fully Engaged Staff Customer Distributors/ suppliers Partners Citizens / constituents Extra-Enterprise Integrations w/ ERP, HRIS, Portals, other Legacy Data Stores Corporate Strategy & Key Business Objectives Content Mgmt Authoring tools COTS providers Third party developers LCMS & CMS & DMS Services Knowledge Mgmt Repository mgmt Workflows Electronic performance support systems Advanced search- and- navigation Collaboration Virtual classrooms Blended learning Mentoring Discussions & chat Online Meetings Communities of Practice Program Strategy & Design (Services) LMS Catalog admin. Event scheduling Compliance mgmt Job development Resource mgmt Skills & competency enablement Change Leadership (Services) Testing & Assessment Kirkpatrick evals Pre- & post-testing Job and Job skills testing 360 ° feedback Performance Mgmt Goal mgmt Performance evals Talent mgmt Succession planning Competency Mgmt Skills libraries Competency maps Development plans Analysis ervices Organisation & staff development planning Stage V: Optimised
Performance Appraisal & Assessments Personal Development Plan Personal Learning Plan Learning Consumption & Assessment Performance Objectives and Skills Gaps Skills Enhancement & Goal Tracking Individual and Role-based Prescriptions Assessment scores, Appraisal ratings, Evaluations THINQ Solution Overview
Competency Mapping Define Cascading Organizational Core Competencies Define Competencies as Sets of Assessable Knowledge, Skills & Abilities (KSA’s) Job Role Competencies Support Organisational Competencies Job & Skills Libraries Define Idealised Job Roles with Competencies & Skills Target Desired Proficiency Levels Analysis Services Define Organisation Specific Job Roles, Competencies & Skills Align Organisational Competencies with Goals & Objectives Corporate Core Competencies Division Core Competencies Support Department Core Competencies Support Job Role Competencies Support Skills & Knowledge, Skills, Abilities Support Best Practices in Competency Management
Organisation Mission & Values Organisation Goals & Objectives Derive From Division Goals & Objectives Department Goals & Objectives Support Division Mission & Values Support Department Mission & Values Support Derive From Individual Goals & Objectives Support Individual Mission & Values Support Derive From Goal Management Provide Cascading Mission & Values, Goals & Objectives Define Organisational Mission & Values Identify Goals and Objectives that Support Mission & Values Align Goals to Organisational Competencies Derive Individual Goals & Objectives from Organisational Goals & Objectives Best Practices in Performance Management
Performance Evaluation Assess Individual Performance on a Predefined Cycle Based on Individual Goals & Objectives Send Performance Assessment Notifications Automatically Provide 180°, 360° or Multi-Rater Feedback for Individual Performance Assessment Assign Learning Interventions to Close Performance Gaps. Assess Organization Performance on a Predefined Cycle Based on Organizational Goals & Objectives Assess Organizational Performance by Aggregating Individuals Performance Assessment Best Practices in Performance Management
Identify & Manage Key Positions Define Succession Plan for Key Positions Identify Candidates for Retention & Promotion Find Candidates for Jobs (Recruitment) Manage Career Paths Talent Management & Succession Planning
Creation and maintenance of a virtuous cycle that powers workforce optimization Performance and Competency Alignment
Integration Approach Twelve Steps to Skill Recovery Learning Management System PeopleView HCM Learners, Job Assignments, Courses, & Course-Skills Jobs, Job Competency Models (Job-Skills), Skills System of Record for: Learners Courses Course-Skills Transcripts System of Record for: Jobs Job-Skills Assessment Results Administrators align learning interventions (Courses) with Skills and determine the Course-Skill proficiency level. Learners are assigned to Jobs. Twelve Steps to Skills Recovery THINQ-PeopleView Approach to Competency Based Learning Management Twelve Steps to Skills Recovery THINQ-PeopleView Approach to Competency Based Learning Management 6 Optional Jobs & Skills may be developed through a Job and Task Analysis for jobs and skills that are not generic. Otherwise, customer selects a generic job competency model from a company such as ITG. 8 Learning Plan is synchronized between LMS and SkillSight 4 Job Skills assessment sent to Learner by invitation . The includes a URL link to the assessment. Similar s may be sent to manager, peers and subordinates to provide a 360- degree assessment of skills. 5 Learner completes the assessment. 7 Manager & Learner review assessment results and develop Learning Plan NOTE: Learning Plans can be developed in either system. Learners can add to their Learning Plan thru THINQ Learner. Learner engages in targetted learning interventions (Class, e-Learning, Text, Mentoring, Job Aid, etc.) 9 Skills Assessment Results/Appraisals for Learners Learning Plan Completions sync'ed to SkilSight PeopleView SkillSight aggregates results by department and organization. - Reporting - Personnel Sourcing - Training Investment Plan Development - Succession Planning 12 LMS becomes the Strategic Talent Management Engine - Business Opportunity Evaluation - Key staff retention - Measure learning efficiency + Time to competence + Training investment costs + Training Program Efficiency + Kirkpatrick & Phillips learning & ROI assessment + Alignment of Business Strategy & Organizational Skills 2