COS120 Software Development Using C++ AUBG Fall semester 2010 Ref book: Problem Solving, Abstraction and Design Using C++ Authors: Frank Friedman, Elliot Koffman, Course lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Stoyan Bonev, PhD
Lecture 6: Computer Languages. Programming Environments (IDE)
3 Lecture Contents: t Programming environments. Integrated Development Environments (IDE) t Borland C++ IDE t The C++ PL elements t The elements of Programming Style t Sample programs in C++
4 IDE MS Visual Studio 2010
5 Introduction to MS Visual C t When you activate IDE for the first time, it’s time for you to make your choice:
6 Intro to MS Visual C Creating Unmanaged Application To build a console application that will run without.NET framework, follow these steps: 1. Open Visual Studio.NET On the Start Page, click New Project…. If the Start Page isn’t visible, Choose File, New, Project. 3. Select the Visual C++\Win32 from Installed Project Templates on the left and select Win32 Console Application Project type on the right. 4. Enter project name, for example ConsoleApplication1, project location, for example Q: drive and click OK. 5. Click Finish from the wizard that appears. The wizard generates the skeleton of an unmanaged C++ application. To build the project, follow these steps: 1. Choose Build, Build Solution or press F7 To run the project, follow these steps: 1. Choose Debug, Start Without Debugging or press Ctrl+F5
15 Intro to MS Visual C Creating Managed Application To build a console application that will run within.NET framework, follow these steps: 1. Open Visual Studio.NET On the Start Page, click New Project…. If the Start Page isn’t visible, Choose File, New, Project. 3. Select the Visual C++\CLR from Installed Project Templates on the left and select CLR Console Application Project type on the right. 4. Enter project name, for example ConsoleApplication1, project location, for example Q: drive and click OK. 5. The wizard generates the skeleton of a managed C++ application. To build the project, follow these steps: 1. Choose Build, Build Solution or press F7 To run the project, follow these steps: 1. Choose Debug, Start Without Debugging or press Ctrl+F5
18 IDE Borland C++
19 Intro to Borland C++ How to compile and execute C++ applications? Click Start from Task bar, Select Run… and click on it Enter cmd command and click OK or press Enter to open an MSDOS window Change current device to Q: drive and call command H:\borlandc\bin\bc.exe Press F10 >> Options >> Directories. Check Drive letter for Include and Library directories to be H, Drive letter for output and source directory to be Q Press F10 >> File >> New, enter the source text of your program Press F10 >> Save As… to name and save your program as a source file (.cpp). Press F10 >> Compile >> Compile (or Alt+F9) and look at the compiler messages. In case of errors and/or warnings, you should edit and recompile your source text until “0 warnings, 0 errors, Success” is displayed Press F10 >> Run >> Run (or Ctrl+F9) to run your program.
21 C++ programs topics t Compiler (preprocessor) directives; t Names: reserved words (keywords), standard defined and user defined identifiers; t Variable declarations and data types; t Executable statements; t General structure of a C++ program; compiler (preprocessor) directives using namespace std; int main() { definition (declaration) statements executable statements }
22 Elements of programming style t Spaces in a program; t Using comments; t Mnemonic identifiers; t Arithmetic expressions. Rules for expressions evaluation: –Parentheses rule – (sub expressions) first; –Precedence rule – highest priority first; –Association rule – left or right associative operators.
23 input/output manipulators t I/O manipulators are used to control and modify data that is extracted from input stream or inserted to output stream. t I/O manipulators are active after including the following header files: #include or#include #include #include using namespace std;
24 Input/output manipulators t endlInserts the newline character into an output stream. t setw(n)Controls the width of an output field. t dec, hex, octControls the numeric system base (10, 16, 8) used to display values. t fixed, scientificCauses real numbers to display in decimal or in scientific notation. t showpointEnsures decimal point and trailing zeros if necessary always to appear. t setprecision(n)Sets the precision to n decimal places. t left, rightLeft-adjust or right-adjust output in field.
25 Previous lecture reminder Title: A Tutorial Introduction to C/C++ Source: Friedman/Koffman, Chapter 02 Have a quick look at next slide to refresh your knowledge on previous lecture
Overview of C++ Open to read slides 5-64 from Lecture 5 COS120lec5_VisualC.ppt
27 Exercise 6.1 Build and run all programs from lecture 5: To compute and display the volume of a pool; To add, subtract, multiply and divide two numeric values; To convert Celsius degrees to Fahrenheit degrees Fahr = 9./5.*Cel+32 To convert Fahrenheit degrees to Celsius degrees Cel = 5./9.*(Fahr-32) To convert meters to feet and inches;
28 Exercise 6.2 Build and run a program: To convert miles to kilometers
29 Exercise 6.3 Build and run a program: To find the value of coins (quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies) in dollars/cents.
30 Homework 1 t Paper record to be presented before the end of next class t Tasks: –See.doc file.
31 Reminder Quiz #1 On Algorithms and Elementary C++ will take place next lesson
32 Before lecture end Lecture: Computer Languages. Programming environments (IDE) More to read: Friedman/Koffman, Chapter 02
33 Thank You For Your Attention