Taiga By: Jimmy and Xin yang jiang
Plants Fun facts A taiga, also called a boreal forest or northern coniferous forest, is a cold woodland or forest. Taiga are also called boreal forest or northern coniferous forest. Taiga has allot of pine trees. Taigas are generally located south of tundra and north of temperate deciduous forests.
Insects There ants living in taiga. There also earthworm living in taiga. Mosquito are living in taiga. Fun facts There are thousand of species of ant found in taiga. There are also earthworm living in taiga.
Birds Red-Tail hawk birds living in taiga. Canada goose are also birds living in taiga. Bald eagle also live in taiga. The birds fly in the air expect the Canada goose That honks on the gound. Fun fact Taiga has different kinds of birds living in there. The birds are red-tail hawk, Canada goose, and bald eagle.
Other Animals The black bear live in taiga. Beaver also live in taiga. Arctic fox, Arctic hare and Arctic wolf are living in the taiga. Reindeer live in taiga too! Fun facts * There are herbivores like reindeer live in taiga.