G-RSM CVS System at ECPC Hideki Kanamaru Scripps Institution of Oceanography 7 th Annual RSM Workshop July 2006, Israel.


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Presentation transcript:

G-RSM CVS System at ECPC Hideki Kanamaru Scripps Institution of Oceanography 7 th Annual RSM Workshop July 2006, Israel

Installation Install CVS ( C and Fortran compilers required (we usually use portland group compilers on Linux machines) Set environmental variable CVSROOT (e.g. setenv CVSROOT /rokka1/kana/cvs-server-root/cpscvs

Installation $ cvs co Install [Note Capital “I”] You will get “inst” and “install” scripts. “inst” is a wrapper script that calls “install”./inst [model version] [topography option] [model version] rsm_frozen, rsm_latest, crsm_frozen, gsm_frozen, gsm_latest, scm_latest [topography option] hi (use 30 seconds gtopo30 topography) or lo (use 4minutes topography)

Installation Installer will ask you: Which model [rsm/gsm/crsm/scm] Machine architecture [single/thread/mpi/hybrid] Institution [ecpc/sdsc/ncar, etc] choose ecpc if not available Machine name [ibmsp/dec/cray/intel/linux, etc] Model resolution [e.g. T62L28 r54x55, T62L28 r8167c5487] you have to create resolution definition files in rsm/def if you want to define your own domain Which script [rsm/rsim/csim, etc] rsm is for testing purpose (48hours integration). rsim is for downscaling with global files. csim is for crsm (c2r).

Installation You can choose to use “install” script../install --model=[rsm/gsm/crsm/scm] --version=[…] --enable- [numerous options] --enable-osu2 --enable-noah --enable-cldw-zc : Zhao-Carr cloud water scheme --enable-cldw-sy3n: Song-You Hong cloud water scheme --enable-cldw-sy5 --enable-cldw-sy6 --enable-sas: SAS --enable-ccmcnv: NCAR CCM3 Zhang McFarlane convection --enable-baseout: post processed basefield output (r_bpgb.ftxx)

CVS system cvs co [module_name] cvs update [file_name] cvs diff [file_name] cvs log [file_name] You can use options such as –r (version), - date

Model System libs : library, utilities, independent of model resolution but machine dependent rsm (or crsm): source codes and binaries, model resolution dependent e.g., rsm/def/rsm6228r5455 runs: run scripts runs/runscr: run scripts called by rsm/rsim/csim runs/expscr: templates for rsm/rsim/csim

Building the model without installer In libs, $ configure-libs In rsm You can edit rsm/def/physics.h, misc.h, debug.h, diag.h to change model options such as KF2 (Kain Fritsch convection) that is not supported by --enable-xxx with installer script. $ configure-model In runs, $ configure-scr [rsm/rsim/csim]

Other things to note… Set stacksize to unlimited, otherwise rmtn.x fails.

Regional Domain rsm/def/rsm6228r5455 igrd, jgrd, cigrd, cjgrd Igrd has to be a product of integer powers of 2, 3, and 5. On IBM, integer power for 3 cannot be more than 2. jgrd has to be an odd number. cigrd and jgrd are coarse resolution regional file paramters for crsm. Parameters RPROJ, RTRUTH, RORIENT, RDELX, RDELY, RCENLAT, RCENLON, RLFTGRD, RBTMGRD Use libs/etc/prmap to choose a domain.

Utility Programs in libs/etc date: returns date of sigma and surface files fhour: force_date_grib: change the date in grib files (r_pgb.ftxx) grmap: creates ctl file for GrADs from r_pgb.ftxx grmean: creates average of r_pgb.ftxx incdte: inchour: jd: returns julian day from prmap: used for choosing the domain. reads igrd and jgrd in rsm/define.h and domain paramters in rsm/rsim script and creates prmap.ctl which is opened in GrADs for display.

Input Files (for RSM) Available global files from the data server at ECPC 6-hourly R1 (NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis): r1/ directory 6-hourly R2 (NCEP/DOE Reanalysis): r2/ directory daily sst.grib: sfcanl/ directory daily ice.grib: sfcanl/ directory sftp (password: data_ecpc)

Input Files (for CRSM) Available coarser resolution regional files from ecpc.ucsd.edu (Jack Richie): Customized sub-domain data from GSM forecasts initialized by NCEP daily operational analysis Create a binary r_sig files and then use scnvrt and r_inpg to interpolate them to the target regional grid

Other Input Files Not supported, but it should not be too difficult: ERA-40 Reanalysis, NCEP daily operational analysis libs/etc/scnvrt: runs/runscr/r_inpg: interpolation (both horizontal and vertical)

Experiments RSM (use networked machine): use R1 files as boundary conditions; run rsm script for testing; run rsim script for 2002 Nov 1 st to 3 rd by downloading files from ECPC. CRSM (use non-networked machine): use Jack’s GSM output (L18) over Vietnam; run csim script at L18 for 2006 July 1 st to 3 rd If time allows – run RSM with rsim script for 2002 Nov 1 st to 3 rd over Vietnam and run CRSM with the output and csim script