STAR Pointers IES Team Staff Development Specialists, E2CCB Kim Oakes Dana Serure Justine Stephan
STAR PRODUCTS STAR Early Literacy for K-3 Assesses students in both reading and numeracy; therefore, data accounts for both reading and math Computerized audio assessment STAR Reading (K-12) Students need to have the ability to read 100 sight words as a base line of vocabulary If they do not have this cognitive ability than assign students for STAR Early Literacy Assessment and NOT the STAR Reading STAR Math (K-12) Contains some literacy skills
Getting Started Students login – Unique username/password – Testing password- ADMIN Multiple-choice pretest (this will serve as baseline) – Early Literacy has directions read – For Math - no calculator usage – Test calculates a score & determines starting difficulty – Safety net- 2 correct move on, if not bounced out
How it works Actual Assessment- 34 items total – 1 st question- below grade level – Software adjusts the difficulty of every item Item correct, bumps up the difficulty – Items are timed- not whole assessment Warned and then counted as incorrect IEP considerations Software calculates a score – Reports available Percentile rank Grade-equivalent Student growth percentile
STAR Reports Provides different assessment reports to set target and help determine instructional decisions individualized per student – Diagnostic Report – Instructional Planning – Progress Monitoring
STAR book (refer to booklets distributed last year in training sessions) In your book or visit the STAR website for on-line helpful resources (see next slide): STAR Basics- Pg Common Questions- Pg Common Software Tasks- A2- A10 Index- Pg. A68- A70 Please review these helpful pieces for the new school year administration of STAR
GETTING the Most GUIDE Download the Getting the Most Guide The link for the Getting the Most guides is located on the top left corner of the Training Center home page. Click Download Here and then Getting the Most out of STAR Reading Enterprise and STAR Math Enterprise. A free interactive version is available, or you can download documents.
The HOST website is for E2CCB: username: password: Please contact your supervisor to re-set your log-in information if you forgot it
2 Important Messages 1.PASSWORD SECURITY – please write down your password once you re-set it; administrators can only re-set account if passwords are forgotten 2. DO NOT TAKE A TEST for PRACTICE under a student name on your roster (There are practice training samples for teachers to simulate the STAR assessment)
Password Lock-Out After three attempts to logging onto the Renaissance HOST site, an administrator, teacher, and/or student will be locked out. Your supervisor will need to CLEAR the Lock out by re-setting the password. We are recommending that teachers log their students in so accuracy of user-name and password is typed into the system.
Resources and Help LIVE CHAT Support – Located in upper right corner of home page MANUAL – Located in upper right corner of home page Resources – Click tab under any STAR Product box and a list of resources will be described and can be downloaded Renaissance Training Center -- see back page of today’s agenda; Technical Support:
Student Usernames and Passwords Go to STAR Product Box CLICK REPORTS Administrative Reports STUDENT INFORMATION VIEW REPORTS
Testing Monitor Password is ADMIN If the website, at either the start of a testing time or in order to stop a testing time, you will be prompted with “Testing Monitor Password” which is ADMIN
Instructional Level and Extended Time Under the STAR product MATH or Reading; Click PREFERENCES CLASS Student Settings Set extended time. Again STAR offers extended time for Reading at TRIPLE TIME and Math at DOUBLE Time which meets IEPs extended time options (usually set at time and a half or double)
Preferences for Early Literacy For EARLY Literacy – you may set preferences for demonstration of video and hands-on exercises prior to students taking initial assessment. This program will have the test read to students so you may find head-sets helpful for each individual student.
Resuming Unfinished Test
Pre-Test Instructions Early Literacy has a student video and practice session *see Pre-test Handout Please visit the STAR website and/or weebly further details.STARweebly
Sign up for a Free Account Set up a free account to access videos, on-demand sessions and teacher resources that will help you implement STAR Enterprise in the classroom. 1. Go to 2. Click Training Center. 3. On the top right-hand corner of the page that opens, click on Create Your Free Account. 4. Enter your information on the form that opens. You may want to write down the user name and password you enter on this sheet. When you are finished, click Submit. 5. On the next page, check your preferences. Click Continue. This will take you to the Training Center home page, where you can access resources.
RESOURCES and HELP LIVE CHAT Support – Located in upper right corner of home page MANUAL – Located in upper right corner of home page Resources – Click tab under any STAR Product box and a list of resources will be described and can be downloaded Renaissance Training Center -- see back page of today’s agenda; Technical Support:
Additional Resources Alternative and Special education weebly STAR Host site
Why? STAR assessments are computer-adaptive tests designed to give us accurate, reliable, and valid data. – Quick – All us to make good decisions and intervention – Skills-based test items – Learning progressions for instructional planning – In-depth reports
Reliable and Valid Reliability- gives consistent results from one administration to another. Validity- the test actually tests what it is meant to test. Highly reliable and valid when compared to national testing standards. Aligned to the Common Core Learning Standards.
Fidelity STAR provides a wealth of “actionable” data. Tells us which students are: – Succeeding – Failing – Needs intervention – Likely to meet standards/reach proficiency on state tests – Curriculum & interventions of implementation are making a difference