Introduction to .Net Framework Net Framework is an essential component of the windows operating system, that helps in creating applications by integrating different programming languages such as c#, visual basic, j#, visual C++. This framework consists of a virtual environment system called the Common Language Runtime(CLR) and a set of class libraries. Benefits of .Net Framework Consistent Programming Model Net Framework provides a consistent object oriented programming model across different languages. This model is used to create programs for performing different tasks connecting to and retrieving data from databases and reading from and writing to files. Cross Platform support Any Windows platform tat supports CLR can execute .Net application. .Net application enables interoperability between different multiple windows operating system.
3. Language interoperability Language interoperability enables code written in different languages to interact with each other. This allows reusability of code and improves the efficiency of the development process. Example :visual basic class can be inherited in c# and vice versa. CLR has built in support for Language interoperability. To ensure multi language code interoperability, a set of language features and rules for using them called Common Language specification(CLS) is defined. 4. Automatic Management of Resources .NET Framework provides a feature called CLR that automatically tracks the resource(files, memory, database connection) usage and relieves the users from the tasks of manual resource management. 5. Ease of Deployment .NET Framework makes the task of deployment easier. In .NET , applications are deployed in the form of assemblies. Registry entries are not required to store information about components and applications. Assemblies also store information about different versions of a single component used by an application.
.NET Architecture (Components of .NET Framework) Common Language Runtime .NET Framework Class Library Common Language Specification Common Type System 1. Common Language Runtime .Net Framework provides runtime environment called Common Language Runtime (CLR). It provides an environment to run all the .Net Programs. The code which runs under the CLR is called as Managed Code. CLR provides memory management and thread management. CLR uses garbage collector to manage the allocation and release of memory for an application.
Language Compilers (e. g. C#, VB Language Compilers (e.g. C#, VB.Net, J#) will convert the Code/Program to Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) inturn this will be converted to Native Code by CLR.
When we compile the code into managed code, the compiler converts the source code into IL , which is CPU independent. Before the execution of the code, IL must be converted into CPU specific code by the just- in- time(JIT) compiler. When the source code is compiled into IL, the required metadata is generated. The metadata contains the definition of types, member signature, the members in the code and other details that the code uses at the time of execution. The runtime locates and extracts the metadata from the file during execution. While executing the application, a JIT compiler translates the IL code into native code. After compiling, the code is passed through verification process that examines the IL and metadata to check whether the code is type safe or not,it should be able to access only those memory locations which it is authorized to access. Before running the IL ,it must be converted to native code. The native code is a CPU- specific code (output of JIT compiler) that runs in the runtime
.NET Framework Class Library .NET Framework consists of classes, interfaces and value types that help in speeding up the development process and provide access to system functionality. The Framework Class Library is a huge library of reusable types meant to be used by the managed codes. It is made up of a hierarchy of namespaces that expose lasses,structures,interfaces and delegates. Example: System.Data namespace contains contains functionality available for accessing databases. System.Data.Sqlclient provides functionality specific to SQL server. 4. Common Language Specification It is a specification that consists of rules to support language integration. programs written in any language(supported by .NET) can interoperate with one another. It enables a developer to take advantage of object oriented concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism and exception handling in applications
Common Type System Specifies guidelines for declaring , using and managing types at runtime. Helps in cross language communication, type safety and high performance execution of code by establishing a framework. Ensure proper interaction between objects of different languages.