Career Development Folder Health Science
Objectives Upon completion of this lesson, the you will be able to: Locate, evaluate, and interpret career options and employment information Explore health careers Predict the impact of career decisions
THINK List at least three health care careers you have considered for the future. Consider: Opportunities for career advancement.
The components of a career development folder Yep, that’s what I said…
components components A. cover page B. career research paper C. business letter D. résumé E. summary page Inside an appropriate binder.
Research Researching career opportunities will allow you to set realistic personal and professional goals. Just go along with me, even if you are skeptical…
FOLDER CRITERIA FOLDER CRITERIA Prepare a folder that explores a health care career that one might consider for future employment. This folder should follow the established outline: That means it has to be in the format that I want it in. FOLDER CRITERIA FOLDER CRITERIA
1. Cover page – including student's name, high school name, Health Science, instructor's name, and list the chosen career 2. A personal résumé, following the format set by the instructor Your in Grand Saline High School and your teacher’s name is Ms Biondillo
FOLDER CRITERIA FOLDER CRITERIA 3. A one-page typed written report of the career selected in Times New Roman font, font size 12. The report should be written in paragraph form with one-inch margins. Include the following information for full credit: Yes, another report…We must give administration a sample of your writing each six weeks. Lucky You
written report written report a. Name of the occupation – career or job title; b. job description – duties performed; c. personal qualities – name three characteristics needed for a successful career; d. educational requirements – high school graduate, associate, bachelor, master's degree; Yes, we have been over all of these …
Written report Written report e. job outlook – future possibilities of being employed; f. licensure/certification – does this career require a license, certification, or registration? (How do you receive the licensure/certification, and who awards the credentials?); g. working conditions – environment in which expected to work; You can do this…
written report written report h. salary scale – expected salary range; i. advancement opportunities – career ladder leading from entry level to the transition jobs; and j. address – write for further information about career or professional organizations. Yes, you have to write to a professional organization for more information…even though you don’t have any questions…
FOLDER CRITERIA FOLDER CRITERIA 4. Completed job application for the chosen career I will give you an application to fill out.
FOLDER CRITERIA FOLDER CRITERIA 5. Copy of letter, written or , to a professional organization concerning career choice: example – American Nurses Association, American Association for Respiratory Care, Physical Therapy Association….etc. Student may include response from the association. See previous slide, letter j.
FOLDER CRITERIA FOLDER CRITERIA 6. A summary page (title with five to eight sentences), stating any findings and decisions reached based upon this research I know you already knew everything about your chosen field before this but surely you discovered something new?
Extra Credit -- Contact people currently working in the careers choice category. Interview them, and report the findings in the folder. No, it cannot be your mother, father, aunt, uncle or cousin…
Career Development Folder Rubric
Rubric Best Good Average Bad Best Good Average Bad Points Awarded Cover Page Best = wow Good = eh, ok Average = you didn’t give it much thought Bad = You didn’t give it any thought or effort…
Rubric Best Good Average Bad Best Good Average Bad Points Awarded Personal Resume All and only important résumé All and only important résumé parts are included. parts are included. Order of résumé parts fit the Order of résumé parts fit the applicant's assets and position. applicant's assets and position. No spelling, grammar, or word usage errors. No spelling, grammar, or word usage errors.
Rubric Best Good Average Bad Best Good Average Bad Points Awarded Career Written Report Effectively communicated all Effectively communicated all components. components. No spelling, grammar, or word No spelling, grammar, or word usage errors. usage errors.
Rubric Best Good Average Bad Best Good Average Bad Points Awarded Completed Job Application Completely followed all Completely followed all directions provided on form. directions provided on form. No spelling, grammar, or word No spelling, grammar, or word usage errors. usage errors.
Rubric Best Good Average Bad Best Good Average Bad Points Awarded Letter to Professional Organization Ideas were expressed in a Ideas were expressed in a clear and organized fashion. Letter typed, clean, and is Letter typed, clean, and is easy to read with no distracting error corrections
Rubric Best Good Average Bad Best Good Average Bad Points Awarded Summary Page
Rubric Best Good Average Bad Best Good Average Bad Points Awarded Total Points – Possible
Rubric Best Good Average Bad Best Good Average Bad Points Awarded Extra Credit – Interview(s) Interview expressed in a clear Interview expressed in a clear and organized fashion. and organized fashion. No spelling, grammar, or word No spelling, grammar, or word usage errors. usage errors.
Deadline Monday February 2, 2015 Ground Hog Day Ground Hog Day