T-10: Name the type of bacteria most commonly found on food that can make you sick.


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Presentation transcript:

T-10: Name the type of bacteria most commonly found on food that can make you sick. Salmonella

A-10: Any microorganism that can cause disease is called a? GERM

B-10: What was the name of the FOOD for bacteria used in our petri dish AGAR

L-10: Where can you find bacteria? Everywhere

E-10: Name 2 foods you eat that are made with the help of bacteria Cheese, yogurt, sourdough, Saurkraut, milk etc.

T-20: What living organism has a fuzzy appearance? MOLD

A-20: Name the type of fungi that is used in making bread. Yeast

B-20: (DD) What is the smallest disease causing thing that causes colds & flu? Virus

L-20: What are the best conditions to grow microorganisms? Food, warmth, Moisture, undisturbed

E-20: Name 2 things a person should do when preparing food. Wash hands, utensils, Counters, cook thoroughly Raw foods apart

T-30: What kingdom has all the cell parts except a nucleus Monera or Bacteria

A-30: (DD) What is the term that is used to describe bacteria as a shiny round dot Colony

B-30: Name two types of diseases caused by bacteria? Typhoid Fever, Menigitis Pneumonia, Anthrax Tetanus,

L-30: What kingdom is described as having NO true roots, stems or leaves Fungi

E-30: What is the correct term for bacteria that is ROD shaped. Bacillus

T-40: What is the name of the person who discovered penicillin? Sir Alexander Flemming

A-40: Name one part of your Immune System that fights against disease Skin, WBC, nose, boogers, tears, fever, blood, liver

B-40: (DD) What food makes you sick? NONE, it’s bacteria That makes you sick

L-40: What is meant by the term Cross-contamination? When raw meat comes in contact with other foods

E-40: What is it called when a microorganism invades a living thing Infection

T-50: What is the name of the antibiotic that is made from mold? Penicillin

A-50: (DD) What structure allows mold to reproduce? Spores

B-50: Name the scientist who discovered the vaccine for polio? Jonas Salk

L-50: Describe the process of pastuerization. Gently heating a substance to kill unwanted organisms

E-50: The hyphae is a part of what microorganism? What does it do? Mold & it digests it’s food

T-60: The bacteria is streptococcus T-60: The bacteria is streptococcus. Name the shape and how they are arranged Round & in chains

A-60: (DD) If 20 bacterium double every 1/2 hour, how many bacteria would there be after 5 hours? 20, 480

B-60: Yeast reproduces through a process called? Budding

L-60: What is the term used to describe bacteria found in “pairs” Diplo

E-60: What is meant by the term “The Danger Zone” Temps between 40º & 140º For more than 2 hours