Elements of Music Music History
Sound What is “sound”? Organization of sound Vibration of an object through a medium that is transmitted to the brain by impulses from the eardrum Organization of sound Pitch Dynamics Tone Color Duration
Pitch relative highness or lowness of sound terms: tone interval octave pitch range / range
Dynamics relative loudness and softness accent dynamic range: pp – pianissimo – very soft p – piano – soft mp – mezzo piano – moderately soft mf – mezzo forte – moderately loud f – forte – loud ff – fortissimo – very loud gradual changes in dynamics crescendo / decrescendo
Tone Color / Timbre the quality of sound that distinguishes one instrument from another Identification of timbre is descriptive in nature bright mellow dark rich
Voices and Instruments Performing Media Voices and Instruments
Voices Women Men soprano mezzo-soprano alto (or contralto) tenor baritone bass
Musical Instruments Families Strings Woodwinds Brass Percussion Keyboard Electronic
String Instruments Orchestral (with bows) Plucked Harp Violin Guitar Viola Cello Double Bass / Contrabass / Bass Plucked Harp Guitar others
String Techniques Pizzicato Double stop (triple, quadruple) Vibrato Mute Tremolo Harmonics
Woodwind Instruments Orchestral Other Reeds Piccolo Recorder Flute* Oboe* English horn Clarinet* Bass clarinet Bassoon* Contrabassoon Other Recorder Saxophone Reeds Single-reed Double-reed
Brass Instruments Orchestral Others Ways to alter sound Trumpet French horn / Horn Trombone Tuba Others Cornet Baritone horn Euphonium Ways to alter sound slides / valves mutes
Percussion Instruments Definite Pitch timpani (kettledrums) glockenspiel xylophone celesta chimes Indefinite Pitch snare drum bass drum tambourine triangle cymbals gong (tam-tam)
Keyboard Instruments Piano Harpsichord Organ Accordion pedals – una corda (soft), sostenuto, damper Harpsichord plectra Organ stops pedals / manuals Accordion
Electronic Instruments Tape studio Synthesizer Analog synthesis FM synthesis Effects devices Sampling MIDI Computer computer music
Rhythm, Beat, Tempo, and Meter What is the difference? Beat – the regular, recurrent pulse that divides music into equal units of time Tempo – the speed of the beat Meter – the organization of beats into measures Rhythm – the ordered flow of music through time the particular arrangement of note lengths in a piece of music
Meter time signatures duple meter, quadruple meter triple meter, sextuple meter downbeat upbeat irregular meters accent syncopation
Tempo largo – very slow, broad grave – very slow, solemn adagio – slow andante – moderately slow, “walking pace” moderato – moderate allegretto – moderately fast allegro – fast vivace – lively presto – very fast prestissimo – as fast as possible
Tempo (continued) Qualifying words Gradual changes Metronome markings molto – much non troppo – not too much Gradual changes accelerando – gradually faster ritardando – gradually slower Metronome markings indicates number of beats per minute
Melody definition – contour legato / staccato phrases cadences climax a series of single tones which add up to a recognizable whole contour steps / leaps legato / staccato phrases cadences incomplete complete climax sequence theme
Harmony definition – chord progression consonance dissonance the way chords are constructed and how they follow each other chord progression consonance dissonance resolution triad important chords tonic dominant arpeggio
Key / Tonality tonic scale key signature modulation major minor chromatic key signature modulation
Musical Texture monophonic polyphonic homophonic single melodic line without accompaniment in unison or octaves polyphonic two or more melodic lines of relatively equal importance counterpoint imitation homophonic one main melody accompanied by chords
Musical Form Techniques that create musical form repetition variation contrast Ternary (3-part) form: A (statement) B (departure) A (return) Binary (2-part) form: B (counterstatement)
Performance Practice performer’s role virtuoso conductor concertmaster improvisation embellishment virtuoso conductor concertmaster
Musical Style definition – Stylistic periods of western art music – a characteristic way of using melody, rhythm, timbre, dynamics, harmony, texture, and form Stylistic periods of western art music – Middle Ages (450-1450) Renaissance (1450-1600) Baroque (1600-1750) Classical (1750-1820) Romantic (1820-1900) Early 20th Century (1900-1950) 1950-present