The Roman Catholic Church
I. Life in the Middle Ages 1. No strong government a. Chaos and violence b. Church stepped in -provided: -rules -leadership -spirituality -hope for poor -religious education *So, why did the Catholic Church become so powerful during the Middle Ages?
II. Power of the Church 1. Cannon Law a. Church court system -final word on all disputes -those who break Cannon Law may be convicted of Heresy & may be Excommunicated. -excluded from Church and Heaven
III. The Church & Learning 1. Most common people unable to read or write a. Relied on Priests to: -translate Bible -write marriage contracts -educate people 2. The Church & School a. Oxford & Cambridge England b. Thomas Aquinas -Religion, Reason & Medicine c. Roger Bacon -Father of Experimental Science
IV. The Church & Art 1. Monks a. Devoted lives to church b. Decorated pages of Bible -”Book of Kells” 2. Architecture a. Romanesque -thick stone walls -small windows -round arches b. Gothic -high ceilings -stained glass -pointed arches -towers